Hi Martin and Alex,

the point you raise is a good one, I did not include it in my first email 
because defining these common (and thereby de-facto required) queries is not a 
simple task: we should not include something that most journals will opt out 
of, and what we pick must be of general interest because it presents a burden 
to every journal implementor—at least morally.

My reasoning for keeping persistenceIds and arbitrary named streams separate is 
that persistenceIds must be supported in a fully linearizable fashion whereas 
named streams do not necessarily have this requirement; on the write-side it 
might make sense to specify that persistenceIds are only ever written to from 
one actor at a time, which potentially simplifies the Journal implementation. 
This also does not hold for named streams.

Concerning types I assume that there is an implicit expectation that they work 
like types in Java: when I persist a ShoppingCartCreated event I want to see it 
in the stream for all ShoppingCartEvents. This means that the Journal needs to 
understand subtype relationships that in turn have to be lifted from the 
programming language used. It might be that this is possible, but at least it 
is not trivial. Is it reasonable to expect most Journal implementations to 
support this?

One query that we might want to include generically is the ability to ask for 
the merged streams of multiple persistenceIds—be that deterministic or not.

Another thought: there should probably be a trait JournalQuery from which the 
discussed case classes inherit, and we should specify that the Journal is 
obliged to reply to all such requests, explicitly denying those it does not 



28 aug 2014 kl. 11:12 skrev ahjohannessen <ahjohannes...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Martin,
> On Thursday, August 28, 2014 8:01:43 AM UTC+1, Martin Krasser wrote:
> In your summary, the only query command type pre-defined in akka-persistence 
> is QueryByPersistenceId. I'd find it useful to further pre-define other query 
> command types in akka-persistence to cover the most common use cases, such as:
> - QueryByStreamDeterministic(name, from, to) (as a generalization of 
> QueryKafkaTopic, ... and maybe also QueryByPersistenceId)
> - QueryByTypeDeterministic(type, from, to)
> - QueryByStream(name, fromTime) 
> - QueryByType(type, fromTime)
> Supporting these commands would still be optional but it would give better 
> guidance for plugin developers which queries to support and, more 
> importantly, make it easier for applications to switch from one plugin to 
> another. Other, more specialized queries would still remain plugin-specific 
> such as QueryByProperty, QueryDynamic(queryString), etc ...
> I think it is a great idea to standardize on common cases such as those you 
> line up, because it gives guidance and reduces one-off fragmentation among 
> journal APIs. It is reasonable that akka-persistence sets some sort of 
> standard with respect to general use cases of reading streams.
> -- 
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Dr. Roland Kuhn
Akka Tech Lead
Typesafe – Reactive apps on the JVM.
twitter: @rolandkuhn

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