I think, i have given very less information. 

Here is the detailed description

I am using Akka-pull pattern in my project. i am using 
akka-contrib_2.10-2.3.4.jar and akka-persistence-experimental_2.10-2.3.4.jar
Front end, master, worker all are running different nodes. The actor system 
of front end and  master is   "ClusterSystem". 
The actor system of worker is "WorkerSystem". Request form Browser is 
coming to Front end .
Request flow
Browser -> FrontEnd -> Master -> Worker
Worker is able to pull the work from master and processing the same. I want 
to persit the state after processing work. I am using single writer. 
Shard for the persisted actor is stared when node comes up. For persisting 
the state, i am hitting the shard region of the Persisted Actor. It is a 
able resovle the shard,
but failing to resolve the persisted actor(not executing the idExtractor ())

Below is the code.

val idExtractor: ShardRegion.IdExtractor = {
    case created: LedgerCreated =>{
      println("%%%%%%%%% IdExtractor : " +created.ledgerId.id.toString)
      (created.ledgerId.id.toString, created)
    case edited: LedgerEdited   => (edited.ledgerId.id.toString, edited)
    case deleted: LedgerDeleted => (deleted.ledgerId.id.toString, deleted)

  val shardResolver: ShardRegion.ShardResolver = msg => msg match {
    case created: LedgerCreated =>{
       println("%%%%%%%%% ShardResolver : " +created.ledgerId.id % shards)
      (created.ledgerId.id % shards).toString
    case edited: LedgerEdited   => (edited.ledgerId.id % shards).toString
    case deleted: LedgerDeleted => (deleted.ledgerId.id % shards).toString

 I am getting the log written in the ShardResolver. But the log written in 
the IdExtractor is not coming.
Please help me to solve this problem.

On Monday, 1 September 2014 15:00:16 UTC+5:30, Asha wrote:
> Hi,
>   I am using Akka-pull pattern in my project. Request from the browser 
> will land on spray layer, it will pass the request to master then master to 
> worker. 
>   In worker i am hitting the shard region. When i hit the shard region  it 
> is able to resolve shard but failing to execute the idExtractor.  It is not 
> throwing any error. 
>   Not getting whether issue with the jar or my code.  Please help  me to 
> resolve this problem
> Thanks
> Asha

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