Hi Folks-

I've got an application that uses cluster sharding to distribute work across 
a cluster and provide failover.  But because of a change in scope I need to 
change how the work is done to maintain system performance while also 
allowing for failover and cluster rebalancing.

At present the system has several actors that are created at application 
startup via the ClusterSharding extension.  The same actors with the same 
behavior and configuration are started across all the nodes in the cluster. 
 These actors have no state, so they don't use akka persistence.  A 
singleton exists in the cluster whose purpose is to trigger the sharded 
actors to perform work on a schedule(It's a homebrew integration with 
Spring's TaskScheduler).  Every day, that singleton triggers the actors 
that were configured via ClusterSharding, and the sharded actors pull their 
work from a DBMS, process each entity, save the results and wait until they 
are triggered again.

Now the processing we have to do on each entity is grown in complexity and 
time required, so I want to delegate that work to some actor that is 
dedicated to each entity.

The simple answer to splitting up this work further seems like it would be 
to maintain a list of actors that the sharded actor can delegate work to 
then trigger them when the entities they represent need to be processed:

//inside the sharded actors receive:
listOfEntitiesFromDBQuery.each{ entity ->
    //create the child actor if it doesn't exist
        context.actorOf(Props.create(EntityProcessor.class, entity.id), 

But this design still looks like it would have problems.
1)  While the sharded actor would move around the cluster because of 
rebalancing, what about the children?  They'll be stopped as the parent is 
stopped and moved, correct?  Is there any chance a child could exist on 
both the old node and new node at the same time?
2)  The children are processor intensive-so we'd want them to be 
distributed across the cluster too and it seems that this won't happen with 
this simple design.

It seems to me what I'd *like* to do is chard the processors/children as 
well-not just start them as a child of the sharded actor on the actorsystem 
it's currently living on.  But I'm not sure how to do that since they 
aren't known at startup.  

Is this a problem anyone else has solved?  If this is a common pattern, is 
there anything built into akka-contrib that pertains to this?

Mike Kohout 

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