
I have a system that does the following:  read/parse from a huge (150+GB) 
file of data, run sanity/cleaning operations, and store the cleaned records 
in my DB.
I've got this configured using actors such that each time I read an object 
from the input file I send a message to the cleaner actor.  When that 
object is cleaned I send a
message to the storage actor.  (The real application is more complex but 
this example illustrates the problem.)

read --> clean --> store

Simple on the surface.  My problem is that each of these operations takes 
different amounts of time.  Reading takes say 2 time unit, leaning takes 1, 
and storage takes 4.
That means I've got a bottleneck on storage and even if I use a round-robin 
dispatcher I still run the risk of overflow and data loss on the mailbox on 
the storage actor.

Other than massive over-provision of storage actors, is there another way? 
 Can something within the actor ecosystem provide back-pressure so that I 
can slow down 
the reader just enough to keep the pipeline clean?


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