Nevermind Im using play Cache API for it ;)

W dniu wtorek, 28 października 2014 19:09:12 UTC+1 użytkownik Maciej Bąk 
> Hi,
> Im doing now solution using akka and websockets from Play framework.
> I have socketactor, in this actor I have 
> case class UserChannel(userId: String, var channelsCount: Int, enumerator: 
> Enumerator[JsValue], channel: Channel[JsValue])
> var webSockets = Map[String, UserChannel]()
> I would like to make this actor resizeable, because if there will be many 
> reqs will be big delay when requesting websocket ;)
> Making actor resizeable makes from that each actor will have different 
> webSockets var of course.
> What is good solution for it ? 
> Use DB or some memcache ?
> So each worker actor will check in db or memcache existing websocket info.
> Im not sure whats better.
> Thanks !

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