On 31/10/14 14:33, Akka Team wrote:
Hi Francois,

On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 11:36 PM, Francois <fan...@gmail.com <mailto:fan...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hello everybody,

    I want to add Akka to an existing scala web application (not
    play), and
    I'm wondering how it could be best achieve. The goal for now is not to
    build a fully distributed and fault tolerant system, but to introduce
    Akka at some point in the application and let its use grow,
    allowing to
    set clear bound in that application and define subsystems.

    A nice and solution would be to  have a new application in Akka
    side by
    side with the legacy one, providing new services or REST endpoint or

This is one option. You can also embed an ActorSystem in other applications and you might be able to expose a Future based API to its external collaborators. In this case Akka would not communicate "over-the-wire" but in JVM.

    But I prefer to not investigate that solution for now and try to
    understand how Akka can be incorporated into an existing app. I'm
    particulary intersted into knowing how 1/ Akka boot in that case
    and 2/
    how to deals with the bound between actors and legacy code.

Akka does not need any special thing to boot. You can just create an ActorSystem instance and it starts. You can even explicitly pass in a Config object if you want to fully control how it gets its initial configuration.

OK, thanks.

    For 1/, http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/1.3.1/scala/http.html seems to be
    the correct resources. Is there other example or documentation on the
    subject ? (I didn't find many other intersting one, any help would

That is a very outdated link since it refers to Akka 1.3.1 which is very old now. Some of the current frameworks for HTTP related work are: - Play (playframework.com <http://playframework.com>) which can be used as a REST endpoint, but generally geared towards Web development - Spray (spray.io <http://spray.io>) which is built on top of Akka and integrates easily with Akka. Best used for REST endpoints - Akka Http which is Spray ported to the new Akka Streams infrastructure. This is currently pre-experimental and the docs are sketchy right now. Also we change the API very aggressively in every 2-3 weeks


    I thought it could be linked to

Typed actors are no longer recommended, we will eventually phase them out.

    Is it
    correct ? If so, is there any ressources demoing a more complexe
    integration ? Because I'm not sure how I implement my actor subsystem
    from the typed actor boundaries with the legacy app.

    Thanks for any help or pointer to ressources !

As a very first step you should read the documentation (http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.3.6/scala.html?_ga=1.228976988.1520294582.1409309043) especially the Introduction, General and Actors sections.

There is also a list of books that can be helpful: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.3.6/additional/books.html (although some of them might be about earlier Akka versions, but 2.2 and 2.3 are sufficiently similar)


... and that let me think that I may have given a bad idea of what I was looking for, or my understanding of Akka. I'm sorry, it happens quite frequently - say I'm English level (that's better for my ego than saying I'm not able to articulate three ideas in an email).

So, before anything else, thanks for the answers and the time you spent writting them.

For some more context: I know Akka, and even if I don't use it on a daily basis, I did several little project with it. I follow its ecosystem, and I even gave talk on it (see for example http://fr.slideshare.net/normation/nrm-scala-ioscalaetzeromqv10).

I'm not looking for general answers here, but more for feedback and/or precise material about how other people already did what I'm thinking to do so that I can understand preciselly the constraints and the validity of the general approach.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one in the situation of adding some touch of Akka in an existing Java/Scala web application, I also suspect that the more direct approach is to build new part of the application in Akka and make it communicate to legacy throught some kind of API (REST, or like in my talk thanks to some other event framework like 0mq), but I need to understand how an in app integration can be done because that last scenario seems to better fit the way we build and distribute to user Rudder.

So, does anybody know of (public/scrutainable) examples of integration of akka in a legacy web application not previously thought for actors? Especially example where the akka bootstraping and where actors are used for a logical, small subpart of the application, ideally some kind of database access layer ?

(i search but didn't found anything really relevant or terribly outdated, and that's the reason for these emails).

Thansk !

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