Hi Tzivka,
The questions you're asking seem very general and maybe not on-spot as Akka
is not just a router/load-balancer thingy.
It's much more - a way to build ditributed peer to peer communicating
applications. We do have routers and other tools like this,
but it seems to me that you're trying to compare Akka to a "normal router"
or "normal load balancer", that you slap before your servers
and be done with it (like Amazon's ELB) – this is not what Akka is.

For example – sticky sessions is a concept that you can of course build
using Actors etc, but it's not something Akka's core has any interest in,
we're much more low level than this.

If you'd be interested in having a more hand-holding during your
proof-of-concept phase of your app for example,
we do offer commercial support <http://typesafe.com/how/subscription> and
could help you out in a more involved way then.

Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
hAkker @ Typesafe

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