
I have a flow that I want to conditionally branch off to either one of two 
other flows. Basically I'm looking to "flatMap that shit", but how do I do 
this in the context of Akka streams?

In my current attempt the types will not line up in the flatten step, I get 
the compile error:

polymorphic expression cannot be instantiated to expected type;
[error]  found   : 
[error]  required: 
[error]       }.flatten( FlattenStrategy.concat )

Relevant code:

val serverBinding = Http( systemRef ).
    interface = interface,
    port = port )

val con: OutgoingConnection = Http( systemRef ).outgoingConnection( "akka.io" )

val badRequestFlow: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] =
  Flow[HttpRequest].map( _ ⇒ HttpResponse( BadRequest, entity = "Bad Request" ) 

val proxy: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] = con.flow.concat( Source( () ⇒ 
List( HttpRequest( GET, uri = "/" ) ).iterator ) )

val proxyRequest: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] =
  Flow[HttpRequest].map {
    case HttpRequest( POST, Uri.Path( "/proxy" ), _, _, _ ) ⇒ proxy
    case other ⇒ badRequestFlow
  }.flatten( FlattenStrategy.concat )

Any hints or examples warmly welcome! 
I'm also wondering about supervision of flows (for error handling) but I 
will put that in a separate post.


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