> Thanks for the clarification... the new API is very different.  I need to 
> let this whole flows thing sink in a bit, but I kinda see where its going. 
>  Granted this is just one use case but I am a little concerned about all 
> the machinery needed to perform something pretty simple, a GET request in 
> this case.  Not sure if I'm doing this right but I end up awaiting twice to 
> get the content I need out of the response--like the code below.  It does 
> work...  Just appears quite a bit more complex than the Spray version. 

  def httpGet( uri:String )(implicit s:ActorSystem) = {  // returns 
(status_code, entity_as_string)

    implicit val materializer = FlowMaterializer()

    var r:HttpResponse = null

    val req = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, Uri(uri))

    val host:String = req.uri.authority.host.toString

    val port:Int = req.uri.effectivePort

    val httpClient = Http().outgoingConnection(host,port).flow

    val consumer = Sink.foreach[HttpResponse] { resp ⇒ r = resp }

    val finishFuture = Source.single(req).via(httpClient).runWith(consumer)

    Await.result(finishFuture, Duration("3 seconds"))

    // unpack result


      Await.result(r.entity.toStrict(FiniteDuration(3,"seconds")), Duration("3 
seconds") ).data.utf8String)


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