Hi Stefan,
Systems like you describe definitely *are* implemented in terms of persisting 

I would highly recommend these following videos / papers as a "holiday-read”:
* Eric Evans (Dad of DDD) about modeling to such constraints WITH thinking of 
time and WITHOUT transactions http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/46744749
Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
hAkker @ typesafe

On 25 December 2014 at 21:39:24, Stefan Schmidt (stsme...@gmail.com) wrote:

Hi guys,

I am currently prototyping a new app which involves transferring money between 
various accounts. On a very high level I have a system account (which is used 
to collect fees), one account for each member in the platform (many of them), 
and group accounts. Money needs to be moved on a frequent basis from member 
accounts (M) to group accounts (G) and the system account (S). 

Traditionally a transaction like this would be accomplished atomically:

tx start
  - read M account to check for sufficient funds
  - deduct money from M account
  - add money to S account
  - add money to G account
tx end

I know already that the system account S will be involved in most of these 
transactions and eventually become a bottleneck in the platform. Another 
requirement in the platform is to have all money movements fully auditable, 
which is a very common requirement. 

So using event sourcing and CQRS comes to mind to solve this problem. Initially 
my thinking is to have a single persistent actor for each member account (M), a 
persistent actor for the system account (S) and a single persistent actor for 
each group account (G). Each will store events related to their respective 
accounts and offer different views (to keep the balance, monitor fraudulent 
behaviour, statistics, etc).

In addition I would like to have a persistent actor to persist the overarching 
transaction events (lets call it TX actor), mostly for bookkeeping & statistics 
via its views. The idea is that a 'transaction' starts with this TX actor which 
then issues money transfer commands to all account actors involved (M, G, S), 
monitors their responses and either persists his own event of the successful 
transfer or issues a compensation commands in case something goes wrong).

Because there will be a large number of members in the platform I would like to 
use Akka clustering where the persistent actors may live on different nodes. I 
have played with hash based routing and cluster sharding to address the single 
writers per account. 

My problem at the moment is to figure out how each transaction can become 
eventually consistent (say within a few seconds) in a clustered environment 
like this where there are multiple points of failure. Obviously I need to 
ensure that a transaction cannot leave the system in an inconsistent state and 
potential manual compensations are also subject to their own errors.

I guess my question is if anyone has used Akka persistence / event sourcing / 
CQRS for handling financial transactions in a clustered environment? If so can 
you share some experiences or ideas, especially around ensuring (eventual) 

It seems like event sourcing is a good solution to overcome some of the 
bottlenecks which a SQL database will create (especially where there is one 
very contentious resource (account S)) but there is are not many reports out 
there where people have used ES specifically for money handling (perhaps for 
good reason ;)).

Thanks in advance.

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