I'm trying to build a prototype using DDD/CQRS and do some bench marking.

Here are the details of the scenario (flash sale capability) I want to 

1. The primary constraint is that there are "limited" quantity of each item 
(only 1000)  
2. Invitation for the flash sale is sent to  100K users 
3. 20K invited users log in at the "same" time to buy the item at a given 
time say 10 AM. 
4. Only 1000 of these 20K users should be able to buy the item. 
5. To keep it simple I want to start with only one item. 
6. All this can happen in the* order of few seconds.* 

I'm creating an AggregateRoot (an PersistentActor) called 
ItemInventoryAggregate. This Actor *enforces* the check that *an item can 
only be added to cart as long as there is available quantities left*. My 
concern is that this check is there in only a *single* actor thereby making 
it a bottleneck (?). I want to verify if I'm on the correct track.  Will 
this approach scale or do I need to rethink my design? 

One the view side I want to make sure that as soon as item is unavailable I 
want to "show a soldout button" on the UI. As you can see all 1000 items 
can be sold out in 1-2 seconds. Will the view side be consistent (i.e., it 
will be see all items are sold out) in this window of time ?   

object ItemInventoryAggregate {

  case class ItemQuantity(quantity: Int = 0) extends State

  case class AddToInventory(quantity: Int) extends Command

  case object AddItemToCart extends Command

  case object RemoveItemFromCart extends Command

  case class ItemsAddedToInventory(quantity: Int) extends Event

  case object ItemAddedToCart extends Event

  case object ItemRemovedFromCart extends Event

  def props(id: String, name: String): Props = 
Props[ItemInventoryAggregate](new ItemInventoryAggregate(id, name))


  override def updateState(evt: AggregateRoot.Event): Unit = evt match {
    case ItemsAddedToInventory(newItemsQty: Int) =>
      if (newItemsQty > 0) {
        state = ItemQuantity(newItemsQty)
        state match {
          case s: ItemQuantity => state = s.copy(quantity = s.quantity + 
          case _ => //nothing
    case ItemAddedToCart =>
      state match {
        case s: ItemQuantity => if (s.quantity > 0) state = s.copy(quantity 
= s.quantity - 1)
        case _ => //nothing
    case ItemRemovedFromCart =>
      state match {
        case s: ItemQuantity => state = s.copy(quantity = s.quantity + 1)
        case _ => //nothing

I'm planning to use akka, spray/akka-http, akka-persistence, play2, 
cassandra-journal for implementing this. 
My understanding is that each of these components is quite performant and 
can be used to achieve the requirements I've outlined above. 

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