I have following requirements for designing a clusterwide messaging system

1. There can be many to many relationship between topics and subscribers. 
ie. one module (OSGi) in each cluster node can subscribe to more than one 
topic and each topic can be subscribed to by more than one module. So, I 
have created one subscriber actor per-module per-topic combination to avoid 
issues like head-of-line-blocking and to fairly distribute the processing 
across multiple actors

2. Subscriber actors likely to invoke some legacy code which may not be 
very finely tuned for latency and hence there could be different 
processing-latencies for the same message of same topic by different modules

3. Publish is invoked directly in the caller thread where message 
originates (ie. from within existing code which is not actor-based). Since 
'tell' to mediator is non-blocking, I am assuming that this should be fine 
(pls correct me if I am making any wrong assumptions here)

My topics-module combinations lead to upto max 100 actors running in each 
node of cluster. 

My thoughts on creating failure zone is now limited to only the subscribers 
part because I create only subscriber actors and publishing entirely 
happens in caller-thread. 
So, what are possible ways to create failure-zones
a.  topic-wise and 
b. topic+subscriber combinationwise (somehow, this appears to be a more 
complex part)

Any experiences and/or recommendations ?

Thanks in advance

- Muthu

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