I have only been using Akka Persistence for a few months, but this is my 

1. I always start empty, but that is possibly not what you want. Maybe a 
file based storage, and you copy the files in place right before you start 
the Akka system?

2. I have solved the same problem by letting the parent actor be 
responsible for killing the children. That is: The child receives an event 
that it calculates should result in it's own destruction, and it then calls 
the parent, which then kills it (and updates a map over actors). In my case 
the parent is also delegating messages to the child, so this way I am sure 
not to send messages to any actor that is on the way down (that is, before 
the parent received the Terminated-message).

3. I am not sure i understood the question. I have CreateChild and 
KillChild events persistent from the parent actor. During recovery, it 
makes a map over actors it should create or not, and only creates then 
onRecoveryComplete. That way I do not create actors I would immediatly kill.

Hope this was helpful!

Best regards,

Anders Båtstrand

kl. 19:20:30 UTC+1 fredag 2. januar 2015 skrev Ian Holsman følgende:
> Hi.
> I'm building a 'toy' game that makes uses of akka-persistence, in order to 
> learn it.
> in a nutshell the game is 1000's of people/bots create villages, they act 
> independently of each other, and generally pass messages to each other to 
> chat/fight and all that good stuff.
> Where I am having problems are:
> 1. how do I initialize the persistence system at the start of testing so I 
> am in a 'known state' when I start. 
> 2. how I assign IDs (persistanceId)  to actors. 
> Ideally I would use a map reference for while the villages exist, and be 
> able to re-use them if a new village is created. but the problem is it 
> finds the old village, and replays all the events (including the death 
> event which kills it). 
> I don't mind re-using a old actor, but i'd like to stop it (ie poisonpill) 
> when it isn't active.
> It seems like they need to be unique for the life of the system, and to do 
> so I would need a counter in place or GUIDs. but then I would need to keep 
> track of the Map reference/GUID mapping meaning my code would need to first 
> talk to the mapping holder, and then to the village itself (2 messages, 1 
> sync) which seems like non-ideal. (as opposed to 
> context.actorselection("XYZ map-reference") ! message which I guess is 
> still 2 messages under the covers, 1 sync too)
> 3. the recovery log only seems to 'start' when I bring up the actor. 
> Is there a way to know which actors are currently 'active' and just let 
> Akka start them all up, instead of me keeping a list/map of 'active' 
> villages, and manually restarting them.
> Thanks .. 
> Ian.

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