I am modeling a data processing pipeline where there are several decision 
points, where the system may refer to a human being to make a decision. 
Since earlier decisions change the state of the system and affect later 
decisions, another goal of mine is to process a narrow sliding view of the 
data and have go not too much faster than humans (another goal: since these 
decisions potentially take time and it may need to sort through several 
items that the machine decides it can handle, I want the system to buffer 
user-decisions so work requests are ready for them when they ask for them, 
and then, naturally, back-pressure when the buffer is full).

In summary, my goal is to be able to merge streams in an unordered fashion. 
pseudo-code* follows for clarification:

    val source = Source(docsToHandle).
      map[Source[Either[Terminal, DocForProcessing]]] {
        case (AttachDecisionDecider.AlreadyAttached, flow) =>
          flow map { doc => Right(doc) }
        case (AttachDecisionDecider.ObviousDuplicate, flow) =>
          flow.mapAsync { doc =>
            (entityState ? EntityState.AttachDoc(doc.headEntityVersion, 
doc.path)).mapTo[Option[Int]] map {
              case None =>
                // conflict! Note: we may want to consider a max-retry 
signal that dumps to another table when abandoning; this can be handled by 
our requeue logic down the stream
              case Some(version) =>
                Right(doc.copy(headEntityVersion = Some(version))) // Note 
- it may actually be best to requery this later, to tighten the gap between 
decision and acting on the decision.
        case (AttachDecisionDecider.HumanDecisionNeeded, flow) =>
            map(referToHuman("attach", _)).
            buffer(20, OverflowStrategy.backpressure). // enque up to 20 
unacked human requests
            mapAsyncUnordered(identity). // at least one human has begun 
the work (on abandon, future will be abandoned)
            mapAsync(identity) // human has completed the work
      map[Source[Either[Terminal, DocForProcessing]]] {
        case (PickDecisionDecider.AlreadyPicked, flow) =>
          flow map { doc => Right(doc) }
        case (PickDecisionDecider.AutoMerge, flow) =>
          flow mapAsync { doc =>
            (entityState ? EntityState.PickDoc(doc.headEntityVersion, 
doc.path)).mapTo[Option[Int]] map {
              case None =>
              case Some(version) =>
                Right(doc.copy(headEntityVersion = Some(version)))
        case (PickDecisionDecider.HumanDecisionNeeded, flow) =>
            map(referToHuman("pick", _)).
            buffer(20, OverflowStrategy.backpressure). // enque up to 20 
unacked human requests
            mapAsyncUnordered(identity). // at least one human has begun 
the work (on abandon, future will be abandoned)
            mapAsync(identity) // human has completed the work
      foreach { doc => // everything that makes it this far is done; 
foreach consumer will produce a constant pull on the stream.

It looks like Merge unordered has been implemented for FlowGraphs 
but I don't see a GroupBy junction defined, just Broadcast. So, I'm not 
sure if I can access this feature.

It looks like I might be able to define an ActorPublisher and 
ActorSubscribe to achieve my goal; IteratorPublisher.scala 
is fine enough documentation. So, this is my working plan; but wanted to 
check to see if I was missing some undocumented feature first or 
overlooking something that has already been done in this area.

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>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
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