*Awesome*. This is exactly the answer I was looking for, Ryan!

I need to read and re-read your post a couple more times for it to sink in, 
but this seems like a great starting point. A blog article on this topic 
would really be appreciated, though! :- )

I'm of the opinion that while Typesafe has done an absolutely brilliant job 
at documenting the technology from a developer's point of view, 
documentation on the ops/production side of things really is a little 
lacking. I'm super glad that business like Conspire are giving back to the 
community like this - your 5 part blog series has been absolutely 
invaluable to us.

Thanks again, Ryan,


On Wednesday, 7 January 2015 02:39:57 UTC+11, Ryan Tanner wrote:
> We're also deploying an Akka cluster on CoreOS with Docker.  We deploy the 
> same fat JAR for every node (in fact, the exact same docker image) and then 
> change their behavior by setting the role via environment variables.
> In our case, each role has a "bootstrap" class which sets up whatever 
> role-specific actors might be needed (but *not* the worker actors) as well 
> as the actors needed on every node.  Cluster-aware routers running on our 
> supervisor node are responsible for actually creating the worker actors as 
> needed.
> We still split each role into sub-projects in our SBT project.  We then 
> have an SBT project within that called "node" which aggregates all of the 
> service-specific sub-projects into a single JAR and builds the Docker image 
> using sbt-docker.  This way, we can iterate quickly on code within a 
> specific service and keep our compile/test times down.  That "node" project 
> also houses our multi-JVM end-to-end tests.
> Then, opposite that, is our "commons" project which every other project 
> depends on.  The service projects explicitly do *not* depend on each other, 
> only commons.  This keeps us from getting them too coupled.
> Since our service isn't directly user-facing, we don't bother trying to 
> upgrade a single service at a time, we just restart the whole thing and let 
> it pull down the new Docker image if needed.
> Most of this is written up on our blog: 
> http://blog.conspire.com/post/64130417462/akka-at-conspire-part-1-how-we-built-our-backend-on
> I've been meaning to write about our transition from Chef/Vagrant to 
> CoreOS/Docker but I haven't found the time yet.  Hopefully within the next 
> few weeks (which, of course, I said a month ago).
> On Sunday, January 4, 2015 6:42:21 PM UTC-7, Kane Rogers wrote:
>> Hi, hAkkers!
>> We're in the process of moving our distributed Akka service from the dark 
>> ages of remoting and manual management of IPs (shudder) into the wonderful 
>> new world of Akka Cluster.
>> Currently, our project is split up something like this:
>>    - spray-frontend
>>    - worker-1
>>    - worker-2
>>    - worker-3
>> Where the spray-frontend forwards messages to the different worker, 
>>  depending on the type of job. In our current environment, each of these 
>> projects are deployed as individual fat JARs using sbt-assembly, and 
>> deployed onto individual nodes. 
>> In our planned environment, we'll be deploying these fat JARs into docker 
>> containers and allow CoreOS to take care of distributing the nodes. We're 
>> toying with things like roles, ClusterPoolRouter and ClusterGroupRouter to 
>> take care of distributing work amongst the correct node - but nothing is 
>> set in stone yet.
>> This then begs the question - how should these nodes be deployed? I can 
>> see a couple of possibilities:
>>    - Docker container with fat JAR per project (eg. spray-frontend 
>>    container, worker-1 container etc. etc).
>>    - Docker container with fat JAR containing all projects (eg. one 
>>    container containing code for spray-frontend AND worker-1 etc.). Role is 
>>    then set via environment variable, or a different main class is fired off 
>>    on startup.
>> Exploring the different options, one limitation that I can see is that 
>> ClusterPoolRouter requires the class of the actor that's going to be 
>> remotely deployed to the cluster to be *present on the class path of the 
>> router. *That is, if our front-ends are to create a worker on a remote 
>> machine to handle a request, the class for that router must be in the JAR 
>> on the front-end machine. *Please correct me if I'm mistaken here.*
>> The advantage we've found in splitting the project up into these 
>> different sub-projects is tests are a lot quicker, code is smaller, etc. 
>> etc. Upgrades are also then made easier, as only certain machines have to 
>> be upgraded/restarted if a component of the service is improved/fixed.
>> We also have a shared project between the different services that 
>> contains the dialect (eg. the different case classes for message sent 
>> between services). This was a "best practice" that we read about when we 
>> first went down the Akka path a couple of years ago, but things may have 
>> changed since then!
>> Any suggestions, past experience, pointers to articles to read, activator 
>> templates or even just general advice would be really appreciated!
>> Thanks and kind regards,
>> Kane

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>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
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