If the UserLinksActor is stateless you can use a router pool
<http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.3.8/scala/routing.html#Pool> instead of
creating a new one each time. Then you can easily control the level of

PS. Akka.system.actorOf inside a future callback inside an actor is scary,
because it will be broken if you change it to context.actorOf.

On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 7:40 PM, Paweł Kopiczko <kopic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Paweł,
> Creating new actor is cheap, but you will have to bother with destroying
> it. Otherwise you will have a kind of memory leak.
> Anyway you shouldn't block in actor's receive function. This can be easy
> solved by using pipe pattern:
> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.3.8/scala/actors.html#Ask__Send-And-Receive-Future
> PS
> This is my opinion, but I think you should consider using akka futures
> instead of actors. Actors are usable only when you have well defined
> hierarchy or you have to manage internal (and mutable) actor state. It
> seems to me that both of those don't apply to your case.
> Regards,
> Paweł
> On Saturday, January 3, 2015 12:24:57 AM UTC+1, Paweł Sadowski wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My code looks like
>> lazy val userLinksActor: ActorRef = Akka.system.actorOf(Props(new
>> UserLinksActor(articleReader)),"userLinksActor")
>>   def receive = {
>>     case GetLinks(usersFuture) =>
>>       usersFuture.onComplete {
>>         case Success(users: List[User]) => {
>>           users.foreach(user =>
>> //here should i use val userLinksActor or create each time new actor?
>> //each of this actor is calling ws, when i use val userLinksActor these
>> calls are synchronized, one after another. When i create new actor all
>> calls to //ws are asnyc
>> //I thought that i should use one reference to actor(val) and akka will
>> spawn new when needed and parallel calls
>> Akka.system.actorOf(Props(new UserLinksActor(articleReader))) !
>> GetUserLinks(user, originalSender))
>>         }
>>   }
>> }
>> I have another question here about akka, maybe someone can help
>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/play-framework/DrqNw-rA2Lo
>  --
> >>>>>>>>>> Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
> >>>>>>>>>> Check the FAQ:
> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
> >>>>>>>>>> Search the archives: https://groups.google.com/group/akka-user
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Patrik Nordwall
Typesafe <http://typesafe.com/> -  Reactive apps on the JVM
Twitter: @patriknw

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