
We've been tracking down a bug in which reading from a TCP stream was 
getting all messed up.

It turns out that we see the problem only when our actor handling 
Tcp.Received messages is using an UnboundedPriorityMailbox; the default 
mailbox doesn't exhibit any problem.

I believe that the issue is that the UnboundedPriorityMailbox is backed by 
a PriorityBlockingQueue; and that, per the documentation for that class, 
"Operations on this class make no guarantees about the ordering of elements 
with equal priority".

That is, it seems that the UnboundedPriorityMailbox breaks the guarantee of 
message ordering per sender–receiver pair.  In our case, the result being 
that different chunks of the TCP data stream arrive not in the order in 
which they were read from the wire.

Does this analysis seem to be correct?

If yes, is it a bug?  Would you like me to raise a ticket?



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