Dear Akka Team,

In response to Bjorn's prompting[1], I have read all the Akka
Streams 1.0-M2 documentation[2].

I am very impressed, and excited! There has clearly been a lot of
thought put into this framework and I am looking forward to using
it in anger over the coming years.

Bjorn asked if I felt any examples were missing, and sadly my
original request (that I've been going on about for years,
sorry!) is indeed missing. It is the case of a fast producer and
a slow consumer that is ideal for parallelisation.

I believe it may be possible to use the current 1.0-M2 to address
my bugbear by using the Actor integration to write an actor that
has N instances behind a router, but it feels hacky to have to
use an Actor at all. What is really missing is a Junction that
multiplies the next Flow into N parallel parts that run on
separate threads.

In general, I felt that the documentation was missing any
commentary on concurrency and parallelisation. I was left
wondering what thread everything was happening on. Some initial
questions I have in this area:

1. Is everything actually executed in the same thread? What about
   when you have a Junction?

2. Is it possible to be doing work to populate the Source's cache
   while work is being executed in a Flow or Sink?

It would be good to have a section in the documentation that
discusses this in more detail.

And, very importantly, it would be good to have the feature of
being able to split a Flow into N parallel parts! I recently
learnt how to do this in ScalazStreams but I'm much rather be
able to do it in Akka Streams as I find everything else about the
architecture to be so much easier to understand (plus integration
with Akka Actors is just tremendous).

PS: I'm also very excited by Slick 3.0 which appears to be aiming toward 
Reactive Streams and, I assume, integration with Akka Streams. e.g. produce 
a Source[Entity] from a SELECT with pushback on extremely large result sets.


Best regards,
Sam (fommil)

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