I've been following Akka Streams for bit. I've noticed the changes in M4 
and of course read the materialization sections 

I have tremendous respect for the Akka team and understand that getting 
this right is hard.  But, are we there yet?

Originally the concept was Map based, with the ability for stages to set 
keys within the map and eventually the client had access to this map.  Not 
really type safe, or clear as to what keys were available, or what their 
types were, etc.  So that's not great.  But on the flip side (and why I 
think it was reached for first) it was extensible.

Now with M4, we are much more clear and explicit about what materialization 
each stage offers.  This looks a lot better.  But I'm worried about what 
happens when you attempt to evolve these materialization types later, 
especially for stages provided by the core library.

I'm thinking down the road to Monk, where the goal is to provide a nice 
tracing abstraction and SPI.  And if folks are interested in tracing Actors 
today, with Streams, they'll be interested in tracing materialized flows 

Given this current mechanism for exposing a per-stage materialization 
value, how later would we switch all of our Unit materialization values to 
materialization values that contain "standard metrics"?  It isn't there 
today, but in the future a lot of runtime metrics could be gathered and 

With M4, I don't see a clean way of evolving or exposing new "secondary" 
materialization values over time.  "Secondary" is in the eye of the 
beholder, but we have preferredMerge stages, and things like Try and Option 
that have success based affinity within flow processing.

I can't prescribe a complete solution in this post but I would like to talk 
this out.

Down the road how do we intend to support the exposure of new 
materialization based information and/or patterns?  How would "adaptive 
flows", flows that adapt to runtime realities, be implemented?  How would 
one get access to a Stream of materialization values of a running Stream?

I hope this is food for positive thought and a positive discussion.

PS:  This particular post uses tracing and metrics as an example, but I 
think there's a larger fundamental problem to be solved.  Should each stage 
need to evolve from a materialization of Unit -> tuple/wrapper -> new 
tuple/wrapper.  All the while likely breaking backward compatibility in the 

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