Hi, all

I'm doing some development based on cluster sharding, 

everything works if I declare the dependency in build.sbt 


when I:

step 1. remove the dependency in built.sbt 

step 2. checkout release-2.3 in akka's source directory 

step 3. sbt assembly to get 

step 4. put akka-contrib_2.10.4-2.3-SNAPSHOT-multi-jvm-assembly.jar to lib/ 
directory in my project and re build my project

step 5. run my program again

I found that *ShardRegion cannot register with ShardCoordinator, *

*I added some code in ClusterSharding.scala and it shows that, 
ShardCoordinator is started (preStart is executed), and never stopped 
(postStop is never executed)*

*ShardRegion always calls register() since it receives Retry message but 
the Register message is never received by ShardCoordinator (the handler of 
the message is never executed and no dead letter is reported)*

Did I do something wrong for compiling project with the self-made jar?

Thanks for any help!




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