In case anybody stumbles on this.  I solved this by using Unzip then a Zip. 
 Not sure if it is the proper way to do it...  Anyway, the program I wrote 
downloads files from PipeDrive which resulted in a few fairly complex flows 
- one even has a cycle in it.  Would love some feedback on it if anybody 
has the time:

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 4:29:09 PM UTC-4, Matthew wrote:
> I'm a newbie with Akka Streams so please excuse me if the question seems 
> stupid.  I have the need to pass some context info along with the events in 
> a stream.  For example, I have something like the following (doesn't 
> compile - just for illustration):
> case class RequestFile(
>     req: HttpRequest,
>     fileId: Int,
>     fileName: String)
> case class ResponseFile(
>       res: HttpResponse,
>       fileId: Int,
>       fileName: String)
> val connection: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, 
> Future[OutgoingConnection]] =  Http().outgoingConnection("
> ")
> val downloadFile: Flow[RequestFile, ResponseFile, Unit] =
>       Flow[RequestFile]
>           .map(_.req)
>           .via(connection)
>           .map { res => ResponseFile(res, ????, ????) } //here I don't 
> know how to reference the original RequestFile to get the fileId and 
> fileName
> Has anybody else dealt with this sort of issue?

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