Thanks both of you! I'll revisit this when FlexiMerge or a alternative 
solution comes along.

On Tuesday, 24 March 2015 09:57:49 UTC, Patrik Nordwall wrote:
> Hi,
> We had to remove that test <> because 
> emitting from CompletionHandler is currently not supported.
> There is a ticket for making FlexiMerge and FlexiRoute more flexible: 
> Regards,
> Patrik
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 4:59 PM, William Le Ferrand < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> If that can help, here is how I dealt with merging n streams: 
> I haven't tested with 1.0-M4 but it works fine with 1.0-M1. It might hurt 
> your eyes but I had all kind of issues when trying to make it simpler - 
> comments are very welcome!
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 7:20 AM, Ajay Padala < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> I can find this example for an older akka-streams but not one that works 
> with Akka-streams 1.0-M4
> In particular, i am having trouble figuring out how to emit the buffered 
> element (reference) after both the streams have closed.
> I have tried to go to this state after both streams have closed, but the 
> onInput method is never called. Not sure how to frame the read condition so 
> that it gets called when downstream wants an element
> def produceRefAndClose = State(ReadAll(s.input1, s.input2)) {
>   (ctx, input, elem) ⇒
>     ctx.emit(ref)
>     ctx.finish()
>     SameState
> }
> Or maybe I am going about it the wrong way completely. Full Code below:
> object StreamMerge extends App {
> implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem("LogFiles")
> implicit val mat = ActorFlowMaterializer()
>   class OrderedMergeShape[A](_init: Init[A] = Name("OrderedMerge")) extends 
> FanInShape[A](_init) {
>     val input1 = newInlet[A]("input1")
>     val input2 = newInlet[A]("input2")
>     override protected def construct(init: Init[A]): FanInShape[A] = new 
> OrderedMergeShape(init)
>   }
>   class IntOrderMerge
>     extends FlexiMerge[Int, OrderedMergeShape[Int]](
>       new OrderedMergeShape(),"OrderedMerge")) {
>     import FlexiMerge._
>     override def createMergeLogic(s: OrderedMergeShape[Int]): MergeLogic[Int] 
> = new MergeLogic[Int] {
>       var ref: Int = _
>       var refValid = false
>       def other(input: InPort): Inlet[Int] = if (input eq s.input1) s.input2 
> else s.input1
>       def getFirstElement = State[Int](ReadAny(s.input1, s.input2)) { (ctx, 
> input, elem) ⇒
>         ref = elem
>         refValid = true
>         ctx.changeCompletionHandling(emitOtherOnClose)
>         readUntilLarger(other(input))
>       }
>       override def initialState: State[Int] = getFirstElement
>       def readUntilLarger(curInput: Inlet[Int]): State[Int] = 
> State[Int](Read(curInput)) {
>         (ctx, input, elem) ⇒
>           if (elem <= ref) {
>             ctx.emit(elem)
>             SameState
>           }
>           else {
>             ctx.emit(ref)
>             ref = elem
>             readUntilLarger(other(input))
>           }
>       }
>       def readRemaining(curInput: Inlet[Int]) = State[Int](Read(curInput)) {
>         (ctx, input, elem) ⇒
>           if (elem <= ref)
>             ctx.emit(elem)
>           else {
>             ctx.emit(ref)
>             ref = elem
>           }
>           SameState
>       }
>       def produceRefAndClose = State(ReadAll(s.input1, s.input2)) {
>         (ctx, input, elem) ⇒
>           ctx.emit(ref)
>           ctx.finish()
>           SameState
>       }
>       val emitLast = CompletionHandling(
>         onUpstreamFinish = { (ctx, input) ⇒
>           ctx.changeCompletionHandling(defaultCompletionHandling)
>           produceRefAndClose
>         },
>         onUpstreamFailure = { (ctx, _, cause) ⇒
>           SameState
>         }
>       )
>       val emitOtherOnClose = CompletionHandling(
>         onUpstreamFinish = { (ctx, input) ⇒
>           ctx.changeCompletionHandling(emitLast)
>           readRemaining(other(input))
>         },
>         onUpstreamFailure = { (ctx, _, cause) ⇒
>           SameState
>         }
>       )
>       override def initialCompletionHandling: CompletionHandling = 
> emitOtherOnClose
>     }
>   }
>   def printIntStream(): Unit = {
>     val srcA = Source(List(1,2,2,3,7,8))
>     val srcB = Source(List(2,3,3,6,7))
>     val sink = Sink.foreach(println)
>     val fGraph = FlowGraph.closed() { implicit b ⇒
>       import FlowGraph.Implicits._
>       val intOrderMerge = b.add(new IntOrderMerge)
>       srcA ~> intOrderMerge.input1
>       srcB ~> intOrderMerge.input2
>       intOrderMerge.out ~> sink
>     }
>     println("Running flow")
>   }
>   printIntStream()
> }
> On Wednesday, 10 December 2014 09:51:11 UTC, drewhk wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 8:07 PM, William Le Ferrand <> 
> wrote:
> Dear List,
> I'm trying to revisit this problem now that streams is in a stable state; 
> but I don't quite see how to use MergeLogic to perform this sort merge - is 
> it actually possible and does anyone would have hints toward a working 
> solution? 
> Yes, in the test for FlexiMerge there is a sorting merge. Docs will come 
> soon and will contain a cookbook section with recipes like this.
> -Endre
> thanks in advance,
> best
> william
> On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 7:28 AM, √iktor Ҡlang 
> ...

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