What is the actual log message when the quarantine happens? Can you show
snippets of your logs around the quarantine event? Can it be that your
system message redelivery buffer gets filled because of Terminated messages?

Without seeing a log snippet it is impossible to say anything more concrete.


On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 9:11 PM, Zhuchen Wang <zcx.w...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Upgrading to akka 2.3.10 doesn't help a lot.
> As I mentioned in
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/akka-user/NGLi9GTZ42o, we do not
> actually rely on akka to form the cluster.
> We use Zookeeper to do cluster management and partition allocation but use
> akka-remote to communicate between nodes.
> Let's say we have node1, node2, node3 and partition P conatins (node1 and
> node2)
> Each node has a partitionManager actor.
> In node1
> partitionManager will have a child actor
> akka://node1/actorsystem/partitionManager/P and a ActorSelectionRoutee for
> akka://node2/actorsystem/partitionManager/P
> In node2
> partitionManager will have a child actor
> akka://node2/actorsystem/partitionManager/P and a ActorSelectionRoutee for
> akka://node1/actorsystem/partitionManager/P
> In node3
> partitionManager will have 2 ActorSelectionRoutees for
> akka://node1/actorsystem/partitionManager/P and
> akka://node2/actorsystem/partitionManager/P
> All the actors are started locally thus no remote deployment is involved.
> Channels can be created under a partition and channel actor is replicated
> under all partition actors
> For example chnl1
> There will be akka://node1/actorsystem/partitionManager/P/chnl1 and
> akka://node2/actorsystem/partitionManager/P/chnl1 created in node1 and node2
> Now subscribers can subscribe to the channel. If the subscribers come to
> node1 and node2 there will be no remote involving.
> If subscribers come to node3, the partitionManager will pick up on
> ActorSelectionRoutee to forward the subscription.
> In this case we have remote death watch involved.
> akka://node3/actorsystem/subA *watches*
> akka://node1/actorsystem/partitionManager/P/chnl1 and vis versa because if
> the channel actor dies the subscribers can be notified and do a
> re-subscribe to another partition member and in a graceful stop case,
> channel actor  needs to wait for all subscribers get terminated and stop
> itself.
> Now the main logic is creating channel, subscribing to channel, publishing
> to channel and stopping channel.
> In this use case, we get the Quarantined event almost daily.
> And our settings for the failure detector is
> watch-failure-detector {
>    heartbeat-interval = 10s
>    acceptable-heartbeat-pause = 30s
>    min-std-deviation = 200ms
>    threshold = 12.0
> }
> Thanks,
>  --
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