Hi, I am trying to test actor code that uses actorSelection:

val path = RootActorPath(member.address, name = "/user/clusterKeeper")
context.actorSelection(path).resolveOne(5 seconds).foreach {
    clusterKeeper =>
      clusterKeeper ! msg

member.address comes from akka clusters and has the address of the remote 

Now I need to mock/probe the clusterKeeper actor but TestProbe() doesn't 
have a way of defining the name of the actor or it's path. In fact it goes 
down to TestKitBase where it is hardcoded:

val testActor: ActorRef = {
  val impl = system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem]
  val ref = impl.systemActorOf(TestActor.props(queue)
*"testActor" + TestKit.testActorId.incrementAndGet) * awaitCond(ref match {
    case r: RepointableRef ⇒ r.isStarted
    case _                 ⇒ true
  }, 1 second, 10 millis)

Is there a way with the testkit to test this? Ofcourse I could create an 
actor myself but then I would have to reimpl all expectMsg or maybe have it 
forward the messages to testkit. 

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