I am new to entire ecosystem including `Scala`, `Akka` and `ScalaTest` 

I am working on a problem where my `Actor` gives call to external system. 

    case object LogProcessRequest
    class LProcessor extends Actor {
      val log = Logging(context.system, this)
      def receive = {
        case LogProcessRequest =>
          log.debug("starting log processing")
          LogReaderDisruptor main(Array())

The `LogReaderDisruptor main(Array())` is a `Java` class that does many 
other things.  

The test I have currently looks like  

    class LProcessorSpec extends UnitTestSpec("testSystem") {
      "A mocked log processor" should {
        "be called" in  {
          val logProcessorActor = system.actorOf(Props[LProcessor])
          logProcessorActor ! LogProcessRequest

where `UnitTestSpec` looks like (and inspired from [here][1]) 

    import akka.actor.ActorSystem
    import akka.testkit.{ImplicitSender, TestKit}
    import org.scalatest.matchers.MustMatchers
    import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, WordSpecLike}
    abstract class UnitTestSpec(name: String)
      extends TestKit(ActorSystem(name))
      with WordSpecLike
      with MustMatchers
      with BeforeAndAfterAll
      with ImplicitSender {
      override def afterAll() {


- How can I mock the call to `LogReaderDisruptor main(Array())` and verify 
that it was called?  

I am coming from `Java`, `JUnit`, `Mockito` land and something that I would 
have done here would be  

    verify(logReaderDisruptor, times(1)).main(Matchers.<String>anyVararg())

I am not sure how to translate that with ScalaTest here.  

Also, This code may not be idiomatic, since I am very new and learning

  [1]: http://www.superloopy.io/articles/2013/scalatest-with-akka.html

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