I read in Akka's documentation that when using cluster singleton one should 
avoid using automatic downing. I don't understand how should downing be 
configured in that case. I understand that I may subscribe to cluster 
membership events and plan my strategy according to those messages. 
However, I don't understand how practically it will be different from 
automatic downing.

When a node is somehow partitioned from the cluster, if automatic downing 
is used, the partitioned node will "think" that the entire cluster went 
missing and start a cluster of its own (with its own singleton). But, on 
the other hand, I can't keep unreachable nodes in unreachable state forever 
because the cluster won't reach convergence (new nodes won't be able to 
join) and if the partitioned node is the singleton itself a new singleton 
node won't be assigned and therefor, according to my understanding, the 
only thing that is left to do is to remove unreachable nodes after some 
grace time which is exactly what automatic downing does.

What do I miss here?


Also posted at stackoverflow:


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>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
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