Hello there,

I have been learning Akka and as part of my project I wanted to run the 
test for my usecase, I need help with it

Github link <https://github.com/hhimanshu/akka-remote-deployment> for my 
code sample


   1. I have 2 Actor Systems - ProcessingSystem and ConnectorSystem.
   2. ProcessingSystem runs on port 2552 and ConnectorSystem on port 2554
   3. ProcessingSystem starts first and then ConnectorSystem
   4. ConnectorSystem starts a remote actor on ProcessingSystem and sends 
   5. ConnectorSystem has a supervision strategy
   6. This is all configured using configuration files

*Place I am stuck?*

   1. I looked at the sample 
   provided, but I am not sure how to use my ActorSystems with this test. How 
   can I provide *ConnectorMain* and *ProcessingMain* as is to my test. In 
   sample the actors are created as part of test which usually is different 
   because your source is somewhere else.
   2. I am not sure how configurations will be provided or if I need to 
   provide them

Can some one please guide me?

package com.learn.connector import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy.Restart
import akka.actor._import akka.event.LoggingReceiveimport 
com.learn.remote.processing.ProcessingActor import 
scala.concurrent.duration._ case object StartRemoteProcessor class 
ConnectorActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { val remoteProcessor = 
context.actorOf(Props[ProcessingActor], "processingActor")  override def 
supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 3, withinTimeRange = 
20 seconds) { case e: Exception => log.error("Exception received => " + 
e.getMessage) Restart } def receive = LoggingReceive { case 
StartRemoteProcessor => log.info("Starting Remote Processor") 
remoteProcessor ! "Start" case Terminated(`remoteProcessor`) => 
seems to be died") }}
package com.learn.remote.processing import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorLogging}
import akka.event.LoggingReceive class ProcessingActor extends Actor with 
ActorLogging { def receive = LoggingReceive { case "Start" => 
path => " + self.path) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Some Error") }}
package com.learn.main import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Props}import 
com.learn.connector.{ConnectorActor, StartRemoteProcessor}import 
com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory object ConnectorMain { def main(args: 
Array[String]) = { startConnectorSystem() } def startConnectorSystem() = { 
val system = ActorSystem.create("ConnectorSystem", ConfigFactory.load("
connectorSystem")) val actor = system.actorOf(Props[ConnectorActor], "
connectorActor") println("ConnectorSystem Started") actor ! 
StartRemoteProcessor }}

package com.learn.main import akka.actor.ActorSystemimport 
com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory object ProcessingMain { def main(args: 
Array[String]) = { startProcessingSystem() } def startProcessingSystem() = { 
ActorSystem.create("ProcessingSystem", ConfigFactory.load("processingSystem"
)) println("ProcessingSystem Started") }}

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