By the way you could always make a message that takes a customer as an 
argument and pass 'this' to the message apply method if you don't want to 
look it up the way I did.

On Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 1:59:53 PM UTC-5, kraythe wrote:
> No I dont mean they close over the state at all. I mean they are nested. I 
> fail to see how it is any more than an organizational strategy and why it 
> would be considered bad. Nor do I see how it is a single threaded executor. 
> Messages are still being sent. You are just taking advantage of the fact 
> that any nested class has access to the members of its enclosing class. 
> class Customer extends Actor {
>   val log = Logging(context.system, this)
>   private var id : Int = 0
>   private var name : String = null;
>   override def receive: Receive = {
>     case msg : CustomerMessage => msg match {
>       case f : Function0[_] =>
>         sender ! f.apply()
>     }
>     case msg =>
>       val data = ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(msg)
>       log.error(s"received unknown message of type ${msg.getClass} with data 
> $data")
>       unhandled(msg)
>   }
>   sealed trait CustomerMessage
>   case class ChangeName(customerId: Int, newName : String) extends 
> CustomerMessage with Function0[Unit] {
>     override def apply(): Unit = {
>       Customer.findCustomerById(customerId).name = newName
>     }
>   }
> }
> object Customer {
>   def findCustomerById(id: Int) : Customer = {
>     // in reality we would look in cache for this.
>     new Customer()
>   }
> }
> How would you qualify that as a single threaded executor. Everything is 
> quite well encapsulated and protected and no mutable state has been closed 
> over. 
> On Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 1:18:35 PM UTC-5, rkuhn wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> 25 aug 2015 kl. 19:51 skrev kraythe <>:
> Roland, 
> All good points but if you look at large systems there are a large set of 
> messages that have a relatively static implementation. For example, go 
> fetch X from all objects of type Y in the system. There is little to be 
> interpreted in that message. With the "book" based examples, we could have 
> a receive method with hundreds of these messages in a huge case statement. 
> That is the reality of real, vs Academic, examples. With a code base in the 
> hundreds of thousands, we have classes that do hundreds of things. To have 
> to write a dispatcher even to call those methods separately is a lot of 
> code duplication for not much gain. Further it seems that there are cases 
> where such "mutable behavior" reaction to a message can be coded into the 
> callable. If the message is defined inside the class, when its run it will 
> have access to the data of the class. 
> Consider a Customer class with over 100 things to do to it. We can write 
> these 100 things into methods and then create 100 messages to encapsulate 
> these events and then have a receive with a pattern matching case on 100 
> types of messages. Sounds nasty, verbose and error prone (especially for 
> more junior programmers). Now lets say I have a different paradigm. I 
> define the 95 of the 100 messages and wrap up their implementation in a 
> callable. The 5 remaining methods are special, they transition the actor to 
> some state, change the behavior or the actor via become() or something like 
> that. These special messages are largely just messages without 
> implementation. For the actor implementation, all of the code of the 95 
> methods is hidden from direct invocation (which is a good thing) but since 
> the messages are defined as nested classes they can still do what needs to 
> be done to the customer object. As for the receive() method, I just need 6 
> cases. 1 to handle all 95 possible messages (just calls the callable and 
> sends the sender back the result) and 5 for the special messages. 
> Furthermore, if the customer needs to convert one of the 95 messages or 
> alter behavior, that is going to be a rare circumstance and can be 
> programmed directly into the message or actor class. For example if an 
> attempt is made to grant a gift card to a customer whose account is 
> suspended, the code can do that in the call. If some reason the actor needs 
> to interpret a message in a different manner, that can be coded right into 
> the receive method for that message or the message can be made to implement 
> Function1[State, Result] and have the condition passed to it. 
> In fact this would make the customer actor MUCH easier to understand and 
> increase the performance dramatically. In high volume systems and O(n) 
> solution to anything should be called into question. I have a prototype 
> running and its working nicely with even a base class that other actors can 
> extend: 
> class SmartMessageActor extends Actor {
>   val log = Logging(context.system, this)
>   override def receive: Receive = {
>     case f: Function0[_] =>
>       sender ! f.apply()
>     case f: Callable[_] =>
>       sender !
>     case f: Runnable =>
>       // no reply to sender, just run the message.
>     case msg =>
>       val data = ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(msg)
>       log.error(s"received unknown message of type ${msg.getClass} with data 
> $data")
>       unhandled(msg)
>   }
> }
> Interesting concept ? 
> Yes, and a very old one: you just implemented a single-threaded Executor 
> with quite a bit of overhead that you don’t use—an Actor is meant to 
> encapsulate state and none of the functions you pass can access or modify 
> that state. If you implied by “nested classes” that the messages close over 
> the actual state of the Actor then that is obviously a big no-go, it 
> completely breaks the encapsulation to share this object outside of the 
> Actor itself (which would be needed to instantiate these nested classes in 
> the first place).
> As I said, for a real Actor the behavior does not belong to the message; 
> as long as you treat the code accordingly it does not matter where you 
> place it (i.e. you could place it into the message type, but then you’ll 
> have to pass in all required context so that the Actor itself decides what 
> it exposes to the processing and when it does it—and it is strongly 
> preferred to not modify the state from within the message but instead 
> return the new state, in our collective experience this approach saves you 
> lots of head scratching).
> Note how this is incompatible with just sending a raw 
> Runnable/Callable/etc. to an Actor, you’ll still need to define a proper 
> message (super) type with appropriate method signatures.
> Regards,
> Roland
> -- Robert
> On Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 9:07:34 AM UTC-5, rkuhn wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> this proposal shares some commonality with another experiment of mine, see 
> The biggest 
> conceptual issue here is that messages are deliberately separated from 
> behavior in the Actor Model: an Actor reacts to messages when it wants and 
> in whichever way it wants, this is key to achieve protocol compositionality 
> (e.g. forwarding, aggregating, caching, etc.). What you describe is no 
> longer an Actor, it is just a queue of functions to be run by an Executor.
> Another angle is that placing the implementation within the message type 
> means that this message is bound to a particular Actor type (and its 
> internal state representation). How would you handle this message within 
> another Actor that happens to speak (part of) the same language? The 
> freedom to interpret the message at the receiving end is precisely what 
> achieves the loose coupling in message-oriented systems.
> So, while it is certainly possible to place the code wherever you want, in 
> general—or conceptually—the behavior belongs to the processing entity, not 
> to the message.
> Regards,
> Roland
> 23 aug 2015 kl. 16:39 skrev kraythe <>:
> Sure I could do all of that. If the whole codebase was Scala. Its not. Its 
> a hybrid of scala and java. Even with just java I could do method 
> delegation. However, that kind of misses the point. 
> Say we have domain object with the name Customer. There are certain 
> messages we send customer to debit their balance, change name, etc. But 
> there are other messages that we send to generate JSON specific to a 
> particular rest endpoint. It seems problematic at best to mix together the 
> customer implementation with the implementation to get the JSON data for 
> that particular endpoint. I would rather put the JSON creation in a 
> callable and pass it to the CustomerActor and then inside there we extract 
> the relevant fields for the JSON to return to the user. 
> But even excluding this use case, consider a large domain object with 60 
> different methods that can be done with it. You can order supplies, change 
> relevant information and so on. Now in order to implement this with an 
> actor I would have to make one HUGE 60 case message switch. Now, other than 
> the fact that it wouldnt be an efficient method (pattern matching 60 cases) 
> it would be really super annoying to see this massive method just to call 
> some other method. It would seem to be a lot clearer if the message is 
> smart. So when user calls Customer.placeOrder(Integer, Order) it would 
> generate a Smart message that has the implementation of the message 
> processing in the code. 
> Naturally you would have to watch out for closing over, mutable state and 
> all the other potential pitfalls of messsaging systems. However, the 
> implementation would be clean. Inside the method, the message is generated 
> and dispatched. The user gets back a future if needed and the actor for 
> that domain object realizes it is a smart message and simply runs the apply 
> function inside the smart message. 
> In that paradigm the actor receive method is smaller, the message 
> implementation is isolated to the PlaceOrder method and we dont have a 60 
> case dispatch. 
> -- Robert
> On Sunday, August 23, 2015 at 2:28:54 AM UTC-5, Martin Senne wrote:
> typo: "ctor" has the "a" missing. should be "actor" of course.
> Am 23.08.2015 09:26 schrieb "Martin Senne" <>:
> Hi kraythe,
> first, you can use method delegation to untangle the "large" receive 
> method.
> Second, you can wrap all these methods including the relevant part of the 
> receive method into a trait and mix that into your concrete ctor 
> implementation.
> Cheers, Martin
> Am 23.08.2015 09:14 schrieb "Patrik Nordwall" <>:
> How would it look like when the actor has state? How is the state updated? 
> How do you handle the message differently depending on the state?
> Regards,
> Patrik
> sön 23 aug 2015 kl. 04:56 skrev kraythe <>:
> Actually I am not talking about that. It's a simple concept of putting the 
> implementation of the message processor in the message itself. It's just a 
> different way to organize the code.
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