
I have a parent actor and some child actors; most are subclasses of 
*akka.actor.FSM*, some are simply *akka.actor.Actor*. The parent actor has 
a *AllForOneStrategy* to restart all the child actors on any unhandled 
exception. This seems to work as advertised.

I would like to have it so that when a child actor receives an *unhandled 
event*, this will also trigger the supervisor strategy. Basically, any 
unhandled event would result in a restart of all the children. It's 
probably a sledgehammer approach, but I can always finetune it later.

Unfortunately (for what I have in mind, at least) the default behavior of 
FSM on unhandled events is to *log a warning *and* stay()*. On the other 
hand, the default behavior of Actor is to publish an *UnhandledMessage* or 
throw *DeathPactException*.

Is there a simple way to get FSM to behave the same way as Actor?

I tried this approach:
whenUnhandled {
  case event@Event(_, _) =>
    log.error(s"Unhandled event $event")
But that doesn't seem to do anything. The parent never receives the 
*UnhandledMessage* message.

I can trigger the supervisor strategy by simply throwing an exception:
whenUnhandled {
  case event@Event(_, _) =>
    log.error(s"Unhandled event $event")
    throw new RuntimeException(s"Unhandled event $event")
But in that scenario I have no idea how to unit test the case of an 
unhandled event.

For that matter I can find very few examples of testing unhandled 
messages/events. Closest thing I've found is:
import akka.testkit.TestActorRef
system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[UnhandledMessage])
val ref = TestActorRef[MyActor]
expectMsg(1 second, UnhandledMessage(Unknown, system.deadLetters, ref))

So basically my questions are:

   1. What is a good way to use a supervisor strategy in a system that 
   includes FSM actors?
   2. What is a good way to unit test unhandled events on FSM actors?



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