> On 08 Sep 2015, at 07:39, Richard Rodseth <rrods...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the link to that sample.
> The other problem in doing per-request actors without ask pattern, as in the 
> net-a-porter sample seems to be that Routes are no longer defined as 
> RequestContext => Unit. Any thoughts on that? Are we now required to use 
> Futures (or Flows?) to bridge routing with actors?

Why would you want to use per-request actors at all? As Akka HTTP by default 
has an idle-timeout for connections, you should impose a timeout on your 
per-request actor anyway. Which you always should do for one-off actors to 
avoid memory leaks. That’s exactly what the ask-pattern gives you: one-off 
actors with a timeout.


> On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 10:18 PM, Heiko Seeberger <loe...@posteo.de 
> <mailto:loe...@posteo.de>> wrote:
>> On 07 Sep 2015, at 19:32, Richard Rodseth <rrods...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:rrods...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Maybe just move the bind call into my routing actor, in response to some 
>> sort of Start message ?
> Yep.
> Here’s a similar example: 
> https://github.com/hseeberger/reactive-flows/blob/master/src/main/scala/de/heikoseeberger/reactiveflows/HttpService.scala#L133
> <https://github.com/hseeberger/reactive-flows/blob/master/src/main/scala/de/heikoseeberger/reactiveflows/HttpService.scala#L133>
> Pay attention to not use any actor state/internals in the route, i.e. define 
> the route in the companion object.
> Cheers
> Heiko
>> On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 8:38 AM, Richard Rodseth <rrods...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:rrods...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> I'm trying Akka Http for the first time, coming from Spray. In Spray I have  
>> a routing actor which extends HttpService and is passed to HttpBind as shown 
>> below. This way routes can create per-request actors as a child of the 
>> routing actor.
>> What would be the equivalent in Akka Http?
>> I'm not so worried about the bind responder stuff right now, but here's what 
>> my Spray initialization looks like:
>> class BindResponder(service: ActorRef, system:ActorSystem) extends Actor 
>> with ActorLogging {
>>      def receive = {
>>       case b @ Http.Bound(connection) => {
>>         log.info <http://log.info/>(s"Successfully bound, starting 
>> processing $b")
>>         ...
>>         self ! PoisonPill
>>       }
>>       case cf @ Http.CommandFailed(command) => {
>>         log.error(s"Binding failed, shutting down process $cf")
>>         System.exit(0)
>>         // TODO In future we might try to shutdown the actor system cleanly, 
>> but
>>         // that is non-trivial
>>         // system.shutdown()
>>       }
>>     }
>>   }
>>    val bindResponder = system.actorOf(Props(new BindResponder(serviceActor, 
>> system)))
>>   IO(Http)(system).tell(Http.Bind(this.routingActor, hostName, port = 
>> servicePort),bindResponder)
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