I have not been able to find any way to marshall a set of HTTP Post form 
parameters AND a file using akka-http, where the form data parameters are 
NOT www-url-encoded, but rather each placed in a separate MIME part, with 
no Content-Type header. This appears to be the format required in order to 
do an HTTP POST to AWS S3 with a policy.  Furthermore, it appears AWS/S3 is 
not happy with Chunked HTTP POST requests, and therefore I've had to use 
toStrict on all my entities.  I've resorted to some hacky code, which 
works, but I find it surprising that there is no built-in way to generate a 
multi-part MIME message where post parameters are not combined into one 
www-url-encoded query string.  

Here is my (admittedly ugly) code:

    val m = Map(

      "key" -> "upload/quux.txt",

      "acl" -> acl,

      "policy" -> policy,

      "X-amz-algorithm" -> "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256",

      "X-amz-credential" -> s"$awsAccessKeyId/$shortDate/$region/$service

      "X-amz-date" -> date,

      "X-amz-expires" -> expires.toString,

      "X-amz-signature" -> signature



    implicit val timeout: FiniteDuration = 10.seconds


    val uri = s"http://$bucket.$service-$region.amazonaws.com";


    // create request entities for each of the POST parameters. Note that 
generating Strict entities is an asynchronous

    // operation (returns a future). Strict entities are NOT chunked. It 
appears AWS is not happy with chunked MIME

    // body parts.

    val strictFormDataEntityFuture = m.map { case (k, v) => (k, 
v).toStrict(timeout)) }


    val responseFuture = for {

      strictEntityMap <- Future.sequence(strictFormDataEntityFuture.map(
entry => entry._2.map(i => (entry._1, i)))).map(_.toMap) recoverWith { case 
t: Throwable => throw t }

      formDataBodyPartList = strictEntityMap.map {e => 
Multipart.FormData.BodyPart.Strict(e._1, e._2)}.toList

      fileEntity <- HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/octet-stream`, 3, 
Source.single(ByteString("foo"))).toStrict(timeout) recoverWith { case t: 
Throwable => throw t }

      multipartForm = Multipart.FormData(Source(formDataBodyPartList ++List
(Multipart.FormData.BodyPart("file", fileEntity, Map("filename" -> "foo.bin"

      requestEntity <- Marshal(multipartForm).to[RequestEntity] recoverWith 
{ case t: Throwable => throw t }

      strictRequestEntity <- requestEntity.toStrict(timeout) recoverWith { 
case t: Throwable => throw t }

      response <- Http().singleRequest(HttpRequest(method = 
HttpMethods.POST, uri = uri, entity = strictRequestEntity)) recoverWith { 
case t: Throwable => throw t }

      responseEntity <- Unmarshal(response.entity).to[String] recoverWith { 
case t: Throwable => throw t }

    } yield (responseEntity, response)

If anyone can suggest a better approach, I'd appreciate it.  Thanks. 

On Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 10:45:37 PM UTC-7, Eric Swenson wrote:
> Hey Scott!
> When you get a chance, if you can point me to the right one, I'd 
> appreciate it. I've been looking at the sources, tests, and examples, and I 
> can't find how to do it.  What I'm after is a way to take a Form, and emit 
> a multi-part MIME message with one part for each field in the form and one 
> part for the single file I need to upload. Using code like this:
>      val formBodyPartFuture = for {
>       httpEntity <- Marshal(form).to[HttpEntity]
>       strictEntity <- httpEntity.toStrict(timeout)
>     } yield Multipart.FormData.BodyPart("foo", strictEntity)
> gives me one body part with Content-Type x-www-url-encoded, and the set of 
> all fields are encoded as in a query string.If you can point me to the 
> "other" way of marshalling a form to a set of mime body parts, I'd 
> appreciate it. I had pretty much given up (and googling and using stack 
> overflow have turned up nothing) and was going to generate the parts 
> manually.  i'm sure there must be a correct way to do this.  Thanks. -- 
>  Eric
> On Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 9:43:20 PM UTC-7, Scott Maher wrote:
>> I can't test this as I am not at home but there are multiple form 
>> marshallers, one for url encoding and one for multipart called, I think, 
>> Multipart.FormData. sorry if you already know this.
>> Hi Eric! :P
>> On Oct 11, 2015 9:18 PM, "Eric Swenson" <er...@swenson.org> wrote:
>>> AWS/S3 HTTP Post with a policy requires an HTTP post with multipart-mime 
>>> -- one part for the file and one part, each, for various form parameters. 
>>> When I use akka.http and attempt to marshal FormData to an Entity and use 
>>> that to create a multi-part mime message, all the form data go into one 
>>> mime-part using the query string format (foo=bar&baz=quux). AWS rejects 
>>> such a request as it doesn't want all form parameters in a single 
>>> www-url-encoded-form-data part, but rather separate mime parts for each 
>>> parameter. How to I cause a Form to be martialled in this way using 
>>> akka.http?
>>> -- 
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Check the FAQ: 
>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Search the archives: 
>>> https://groups.google.com/group/akka-user
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