Yes, you are right that these events should be persisted atomically

Dne neděle 25. října 2015 0:25:02 UTC+2 Michael Omann napsal(a):
> You can (and should) avoid this by emitting 2 events during command 
> handling instead if one.
> So instead of :
> AddExperience(10) -> ExperienceAdded(10) -> EarnLevel(1) -> LevelEarned(1)
> your should derive both Events from your player's state and atomically 
> persist 2 Events using persistAll(...)
> AddExperience(10) -> Seq(ExperienceAdded(10), LevelEarned(1))
> It fundamental that those events are stored atomically (either both or no 
> at all), otherwise your players state could be corrupted. Imagine the first 
> event (ExperienceAdded(10)) is saved successfully while  LevelEarned(10)fails 
> to persist properly. During recovery your player would end up in an 
> inconsistent state. Those two events must be stored in a single write 
> operation.
> I also believe that using an observable member inside an actor breaks the 
> actor model. Events received in the subscribe callback (e.g. onNext()) are 
> bypassing the mailbox, adding an additional inlet to the actor. That leads 
> to many problems, shared mutable state and multithreading inside the actor 
> to name just two. I may be wrong. Maybe Patrik can comment on that.
> Mike
> On Tuesday, October 20, 2015 at 8:32:50 AM UTC+2, Adam Dohnal wrote:
>> You understand it right. Unfortunately, your solution won't work. Suppose 
>> player has 30/100 health (current/max) and 99/100 experience and two 
>> messages are sent to him with this order:
>> AddExperience(10)
>> TakeDamage(40)
>> Correct behaviour is that first 10 xp is added to 109/100 ... level is 
>> earned which cause to gain full hp 100/100. Only after then TakeDamage can 
>> by applied which causes to change player's hp to 60/100.
>> If you would send LevelEarned to self, it will be processed after 
>> TakeDamage message and player will die.
>> I would like to process each command at the time and persist ALL its 
>> consequence. Problem is that my consequences are found asynchronously :(
>> Dne pondělí 19. října 2015 12:15:33 UTC+2 Patrik Nordwall napsal(a):
>>> If I understand it correctly your question is about how to persist the 
>>> LevelEarned event which comes via the 
>>> asyncrounous player.observable.subscribe callback. Since this is an actor 
>>> you must turn that callback into a message that is sent to self and when 
>>> receiving that message you can persist it.
>>> /Patrik
>>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 3:17 PM, Adam Dohnal <> wrote:
>>>> Hello, 
>>>> I am new in Akka and I am trying to develop some mini project to test 
>>>> some things (akka, rx, cqrs, es etc..)
>>>> I think I understand the concept of cqrs/es and how it fit to akka. My 
>>>> problem is probably more theoretical than technical.
>>>> Let's say, I have class Player, which has several Attribute[T] 
>>>> attributes ... these attributes can be for example player's current 
>>>> health, 
>>>> vitality, experience, level etc ... These attributes have dependencies ... 
>>>> for example currentHealth is defined as 10 * vitality ... if experience is 
>>>> > 100 new level is earns, which causes to add 1 vitality, which causes to 
>>>> add 10 health ... Hopefully, you get the point.
>>>> I like the idea to implement this using reactive streams. Each 
>>>> Attribute[T] should be considered as Observable[T] and with all these 
>>>> excellent operators I can model dependencies I have described before.
>>>> Now I am trying to model each Player as actor, which can handle 
>>>> commands (AddExperience(...), AddVitality(...) etc...) and produce events 
>>>> (ExperienceAdded(...), LevelEarned(...)) which should be event sourced.
>>>> Problem is, that when I am handling command I directly don't know what 
>>>> events should be generated ... for example AddExperience(100) is handled 
>>>> and after some validation ExperienceAdded(100) should be persisted to 
>>>> event 
>>>> store. When it success, it should be applied to my domain, which emit 
>>>> value 
>>>> change in that attribute observable and new level can be earned ... but 
>>>> how 
>>>> can I persist that event?
>>>> I try to write some pseudo-code
>>>> class ExamplePersistentActor extends PersistentActor {
>>>>   val Player player = ... // domain
>>>>   val subscription = player.observable.subscribe {
>>>> // here I get asynchronously information about that level is increased 
>>>> ... should I call persist here?
>>>> }
>>>> val receiveCommand: Receive = {
>>>> case AddExperience(xp: Int) => {
>>>>      persist(ExperienceAdded(xp)) { event =>
>>>>   player.addExperience(xp) // should produce LevelEarned(1) event, 
>>>> which should be also persisted
>>>> }   
>>>>   }
>>>> }
>>>> So I have reference to Player which has observable of all events that 
>>>> are produced ... but I don't how to persist them :/
>>>> -- 
>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Read the docs:
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>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Search the archives: 
>>>> --- 
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>>> -- 
>>> Patrik Nordwall
>>> Typesafe <> -  Reactive apps on the JVM
>>> Twitter: @patriknw

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