I ran into the same issue in a staging environment with Akka 2.3.12 and 
Cassandra as persistent backend. I did what Patrik suggested and believe it 
is triggered by corrupted data by having started a second cluster for a 
short period of time (2 minutes).

I am now trying to repair the data by deleting data that was written during 
or after the parallel run. I hope that fixes the issue and allows to 
recover to a state before the data was corrupted.

On Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 4:25:56 AM UTC-7, Patrik Nordwall wrote:
> What version of Akka are you using?
> Can you run it with debug log level and share those logs?
> The logging during recovery should tell us what is going on.
> My guess is that you have ended up with inconsistent data, which may 
> happen if you split the cluster in two separate clusters and the 
> coordinator in both of them are writing to the same persistentId.
> Regards,
> Patrik
> On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 9:21 AM, <jos...@evernym.us <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I have a 2 node akka cluster. I am trying to run a persistent actor with 
>> cluster sharding.
>> When the ShardCoordinator starts up, it is throwing an 
>> IllegalArgumentException. After digging through the source code, I found it 
>> to be a require statement in ClusterSharding.scala
>>  case ShardHomeAllocated(shard, region) ⇒
>>           require(regions.contains(region), s"Region $region not 
>> registered: $this")
>> When the ShardCoordinator is started up on app01 (the first node) and it 
>> receives a region from app02 in the event ShardHomeAllocated, the require 
>> statement fails. It also fails when the converse happens. (When 
>> ShardCoordinator is started on app02 and it gets an event with region the 
>> actor from app01). The 'regions' contained in the actor's state must come 
>> from the snapshot which may not contain the region being allocated in the 
>> above event. 
>> This is what it looks like on app01. Note that the Region actor is from 
>> app02.
>> 2015-06-25 14:17:12,017 ERROR akka.actor.OneForOneStrategy - requirement 
>> failed: Region 
>> Actor[akka.tcp://evernym@app02:2551/user/sharding/Subr#-317090222] 
>> not registered: State(Map(8 -> 
>> Actor[akka://evernym/user/sharding/Subr#1934748057]),Map(Actor[akka://evernym/user/sharding/Subr#1934748057]
>> -> Vector(8)),Set())
>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Region Actor[akka
>> .tcp://evernym@app02:2551/user/sharding/Subr#-317090222] not registered: 
>> State(Map(8 -> Actor[akka:
>> After this exception is thrown, the actor restarts, recovers from 
>> snapshot, applies that event and throws an exception again, going into an 
>> infinite restart loop. 
>> Any idea why this could be happening?
>> Thanks,
>> Joseph
>> -- 
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> -- 
> Patrik Nordwall
> Typesafe <http://typesafe.com/> -  Reactive apps on the JVM
> Twitter: @patriknw

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