This is the interesting log entry:

[akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider] Error while resolving address
[akka://HttpSystem] due to [No transport is loaded for protocol: [akka],
available protocols: [akka.tcp]]

Looks like you have one ActorSystem named HttpSystem that is using
LocalActorRefProvider. This can also happen if you share actor refs between
two actor systems in the same jvm in a wrong way.

I think it would be easiest if you don't use a separate HttpSystem, and
instead run those things in the ActorSystem named ClusterSystem.

fre 30 okt. 2015 kl. 19:57 skrev Eric Swenson <>:

> I have a web service that up until my addition of server-side web socket
> support, worked fine.
> I use akka-http to handle HTTP requests, and a cluster sharding region to
> route messages (sourced from the HTTP request) to actors that handle a
> particular "job" (the job id is the id used for sharding).  The actors are
> using akka persistence to maintain state.  This all works fine.
> I recently updated the http handling to accept web socket connections from
> clients. In the initial ws:// request, the above-mentioned "job id" is
> included in the URI. The web socket Flow (modeled after the one found in
> this article:
> routes incoming web socket messages to the "correct" actor (based on the
> akka cluster sharding, by using the sharding region as the target actor).
> This also works fine.  When the web socket is connected, a message is sent
> to the appropriate actor providing the actor source (to respond to).   My
> cluster sharded actor updates its state to make note of that actor, so it
> can send messages to the websocket.  That is what doesn't work.  When the
> cluster sharded actor tries to send a message to the actorRef it received
> during websocket connection, I get akka errors:
> ----
> background log: info: route: ws-connect
> background log: info: route:
> experimentInstanceId=187785cd-0276-4f04-a1a4-12e3d4487b81
> background log: info: created new connection:
> org.genecloud.eim.WebSocketConnection@4b496e66
> background log: info: [WARN] [10/30/2015 11:23:48.830]
> [ClusterSystem-akka.remote.default-remote-dispatcher-6]
> [akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider] Error while resolving address
> [akka://HttpSystem] due to [No transport is loaded for protocol: [akka],
> available protocols: [akka.tcp]]
> background log: info: [INFO] [10/30/2015 11:23:48.831]
> []
> [ExperimentInstance(akka://ClusterSystem)] Web socket connected for
> experiment instance 187785cd-0276-4f04-a1a4-12e3d4487b81
> background log: info: [INFO] [10/30/2015 11:23:48.842]
> []
> [akka://HttpSystem/user/$a/flow-28-7-publisherSource-stageFactory-stageFactory-bypassRouter-flexiRoute-actorRefSource-actorRefSource]
> Message [org.genecloud.eim.WsMessage] from
> Actor[akka://ClusterSystem/system/sharding/ExperimentInstance/86/187785cd-0276-4f04-a1a4-12e3d4487b81#-126303652]
> to
> Actor[akka://HttpSystem/user/$a/flow-28-7-publisherSource-stageFactory-stageFactory-bypassRouter-flexiRoute-actorRefSource-actorRefSource#1354295246]
> was not delivered. [2] dead letters encountered. This logging can be turned
> off or adjusted with configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and
> 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'.
> background log: info: txt=[187785cd-0276-4f04-a1a4-12e3d4487b81] message #1
> background log: info: WsIncomingMessage:
> experimentInstanceId=187785cd-0276-4f04-a1a4-12e3d4487b81
> background log: info: txt=[187785cd-0276-4f04-a1a4-12e3d4487b81] message #2
> background log: info: WsIncomingMessage:
> experimentInstanceId=187785cd-0276-4f04-a1a4-12e3d4487b81
> ---
> The first 3 log messages show the HTTP route accepting the web socket
> connection with path /ws-connect/:JobId.  The WebSocketConnection object
> holds the flow.  The 5th log message shows the cluster sharded actor
> logging a message that the web socket has been connected.  The 4th log
> message is a mystery to me and probably going to cause the issue when the
> cluster sharded actor attempts to send a message back to the actor handling
> the web socket.  The code that sends the message looks like this:
>     case WsConnected(experimentInstanceId: String, websocketActor:
> ActorRef) =>
>"Web socket connected for experiment instance $
> experimentInstanceId")
>       persist(WebSocketConnectedEvent(websocketActor)) { evt =>
>         state = state.updated(evt)
>         websocketActor ! WsMessage("foo", "bar")
>       }
> The websocketActor that is supplied in the message came from the Flow,
> where the relevant portion is here in the WebSocketConnection class:
>           // Materialized value of Actor
>           val actorAsSource = =>
> WsConnected(experimentInstanceId, actor))
> I'm not entirely sure where that actor comes from, but it appears that you
> can't send messages back to that actor from a potentially remote, clustered
> actor.  Is there some limitation here that I'm fighting with?
> Note: I fully realize that I'm expecting a lot from akka here.  In the
> system I'm building, I'm intended to have multiple akka-http nodes behind a
> load balancer.  A user will therefore send http requests to one of the many
> akka-http nodes. But he will end up establishing a web socket connection
> with exactly one of these nodes (at a time).  Both http and web socket
> messages will get routed to an appropriate worker actor based on a sharded
> id.  That actor may be on some other node (not he one handling the http
> requests and not the one holding the server-side end of the web socket
> connection).  I'm expecting akka to be able to route any message from that
> actor back to the web socket.  Is that possible?
> -- Eric
> --
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