*Source code github link:*


I am struggling to get the persistent actor and akka cluster sharding 
“supervisor” combination work.

The cluster sharding ‘without’ akka supervisor works fine i.e. in my 
Subscriber if I get the sharded region entity via “ActorRef myEntity = 
ClusterSharding.get(getContext().system()).shardRegion("MyEntity");” and 
use the myEntity reference to forward the received messages to my 
persistent actor entity “MyEntity.class”.

However, this approach doesn’t fire the parent (‘Subscriber’ actor) 
supervisor strategy.

According to the Akka documentation (
http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.4.0/java/cluster-sharding.html). I am 
supposed to forward received message via parent actor “ActorRef myEntity = 
getContext().actorOf(Props.create(MyEntity.class), "myEntity");”. This 
works as long as I have ‘one Subscriber node’ in the cluster (i.e. on 
exception, parent actor supervisor strategy gets invoked), the minute we 
add an additional ‘Subscriber’ node the persistence goes havoc and does 
only partial persistence i.e. if I publish 10 messages I only 6 or 7 
messages getting persisted.

I have checked in the code in my git hub. Please let me know if If the 
cluster sharding supervisor is fully tested in akka distribute pub/sub 
scenario for akka 2.4.0.I followed the documentation from this URL (

*Example setup*

   1. The PubCluster publishes a topic named ‘content’ that has myCounter 
   instance. Currently PubClusterApp uses pub actor with round robbin pool of 
   5 ( ‘ActorRef pub = 
   RoundRobinPool(5)), "publisher");’.).
   2. There are 2 subscriber apps (SubClusterApp1, SubClusterApp2)both uses 
   the same Subscriber uses the same group ‘grp1’.

*Sucessful scenario with one ‘Subscriber’ node in the cluster.*

   1. Start SubClusterApp1 (akka 2550)
   2. Start PubClusterApp (akka 2552)

This will perfectly save all the messages and and also notifies the 
supervisor on the exception.

*Failure scenario*

when I start 2 subcriber nodes I see both nodes recieveing messages but 
only few messages are getting saved.

   1. Start SubClusterApp1 (akka 2550)
   2. Start SubClusterApp1 (akka 2551)
   3. Start PubClusterApp (akka 2552)

If the cluster sharding based fault tolerance doesn’t work in a multi node 
scenarios then I am not sure how far we can use akka for production 
scenarios. Any help in clarifying the issue appreciated.



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