Konrad, Thanks for the reply!

In fact I have the very same code separation:

*object ApiJsonProtocol extends ApiJsonProtocoltrait ApiJsonProtocol 
extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {  implicit val 
feedFormat = jsonFormat2(Feed)  // implicit val feedsWriter = 

*class FeedRoute(feedRepository: FeedRepository) extends ApiRoute with 
ApiJsonProtocol {*

* override val underlying: Route = {*

* pathPrefix("feeds") {*

*pathEndOrSingleSlash {*

*get {*

*parameters('from.as[Int] ? 0, 'limit.as[Int] ? 10, 'title ? "") { (from, 
limit, title) =>*


*// TODO use (from, limit, title)*






* }*



But without the extra "*implicit val feedsWriter = seqFormat[Feed]*" it 
does not compile.

On GitHub I've found several examples of people trying to solve the same 

1) Use of .toJson before wrapping into complete(...)
2) Declaring implicit val for each Seq[of somethings] but in this 
particular case the author went further and coded full RootJsonWriter

So, it appears I'm not the only one who finds this a little bit confusing.


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