On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 12:03 PM, Florian Witteler <
florian.witte...@googlemail.com> wrote:

I have an elasticsearch-database with all our articles. Each tenant has its
> own index. These indexes are denormalized (the common properties of an
> article are duplicated into each index)
> We are about to implement streaming of articles with akka http and use the
> elasticsearch-drivers' reactive streaming api.
> So far so good - set aside the enthusiasm of the awesomeness of handling
> breakpressure from the client through two modules back to the database ;-)
> For another project we need an export of the articles of *all* tenants in
> another fashion.
> In my module I'm going to query the articles for each tenant (and have a
> List of akka.stream.scaladsl.Source)
> The export has to be in a format like this:
> <articles>
>     <article code="1">
>         <!-- common stuff -->
>         <localizations>
>             <localization isocode="de">
>                 <!-- de-stuff -->
>             </localization>
>             <localization isocode="es">
>                 <!-- es-stuff -->
>             </localization>
>             <localization isocode="cz">
>                 <!-- cz-stuff -->
>             </localization>
>         </localizations>
>     </article>
> </articles>
> The Details doesn't matter - just think of Article 1 .. n Localizations
> Now consider this constellation of articles in the streams.
> de 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EOF
> es 1 2   4 5 6   8 EOF
> cz 1 2   4   6 7 8 EOF
> As you can see not every tenant has the same articles.
> I'd like to group several streams together and generate tuples of matching
> articles. What I want is s.th. like that.
>   1 -> (de,es,cz)
>   2 -> (de,es,cz)
>   3 -> (de)
>   4 -> (de,es,cz)
>   5 -> (de,es)
>   6 -> (de,es,cz)
>   7 -> (de,cz)
>   8 -> (de,es,cz)
> I guess a GraphStage is what I need. Since the articles of each stream are
> ordered in the same way, I can group them together if I look at the head
> element of each stream.
> Here is my pseudocode.
> val sources: List[Source] //all inputStreams
> val minArticleNumber = sources.map(s => s.head.articleNumber).min
> val matchingStreams = sources.filter(_.head.articleNumber ==
> minArticleNumber)
> //pick the current element of each of the matchingStreams, create a tuple
> and push it out of this stage and advance each of the matching streams at
> once.
> Does anyone have a running example of a GraphStage with customized logic?
I’m sorry that the documentation is not ready yet. You can find plenty of
implementations inside akka-streams
itself. Search for extends GraphStage


Otherwise I'd like to ask for some pointers in the right direction. If I
> get it done, I can provide a running example for the documentation (or a
> github project)
> Thanks!
> Florian
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Patrik Nordwall
Typesafe <http://typesafe.com/> -  Reactive apps on the JVM
Twitter: @patriknw

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