Hello hAkkers, It's me again. Is it possible to know when outgoing 
connection will be closed and then complete closeConn promise or throw 
failure in flow context? Without closeConn promise I can't work with idle 
This is an example for issue:

    val serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress("coreos", 2375)
    val closeConn = Promise[ByteString]()
    val source = Source(closeConn.future).drop(1) // as an example. In the 
real application, source is a WS endless stream of commands from user.
      .runWith(source, Sink.foreach(println))

When outgoing connection has been closed then I saw a debug message "Read 
returned end-of-stream, our side not yet closed". How to avoid this kind of 
I did try to add StatefulStage to tcp stream and watch on onUpstreamFinish:

    class CloseStage extends StatefulStage[ByteString, ByteString] {
      def initial: State = new State {
        def onPush(elem: ByteString, ctx: Context[ByteString]): 
SyncDirective =

        def onUpstreamFinish(ctx: Context[ByteString]): 
TerminationDirective = {
      .transform(() => new CloseStage())
      .runWith(source, Sink.foreach(println))

But nothing happened.
Am I right?

Thank you.

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