This topic clarified almost all questions I had on fusion. The only one 
question remains is how groupBy stage will properly fused. If we are 
modelling a stream of stream processing (for example, process telemetry 
events for multiple IoT devices continuously is a stream of stream), maybe 
makes no sense materialize this stream of stream into a single actor. The 
point is the groupBy is the only one stage that can generate a possibly 
infinite stream of stream (grouped, groupedWithin, splitWhen and splitAfter 
generate stream of streams, but the substream generated are bounded, one 
substream is completed before start another). This stage will or not 

Em terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2015 12:41:36 UTC-3, Adam Warski escreveu:
> Hello,
> I think that the new fusing support in akka-streams may have more 
> consequences than I initially suspected. It quite drastically changes how 
> concurrency is handled in akka-streams.
> So far the model was quite clear: every stage gets materialised into an 
> actor. If there's a split/broadcast, then all branches will be executed in 
> parallel.
> Now, with auto-fusing that changes. By default, if there's a split, the 
> branches won't be executed in parallel. I think that's quite a big 
> semantical change. A similar effect is when there are e.g. two 
> computationally expensive, consecutive .map stages (they will now be 
> processed sequentially, not concurrently), however with splits I think it 
> was a very natural expectation that things will be processed in parallel.
> Hence I have four questions:
> 1. if I have a split, where should the async boundary go? My first attempt 
> was adding the async boundary attribute to the split graph stage itself, 
> but that didn't work. By experimentation, I have to add it to the stages 
> that are connected to the split's outputs.
> 2. how to insert async boundaries in linear pipelines? E.g.:
> Source(List(1, 2, 3))
>       .map(_ + 1)     
>       .addAttributes(Attributes.asyncBoundary)
>       .map(_ * 2)
> doesn't compile
> 3. are you sure it's a good idea to make all processing stages fuseable by 
> default? E.g. conflate seems to be naturally concurrent, as it deals with 
> slower/faster components, which doesn't make much sense if everything is in 
> one thread :)
> 4. which built-in stages are fuseable by default? The docs are quite vague 
> here saying only "linear" ones. Which ones are these? 
> If akka-streams now has *explicit* concurrency control, instead of the 
> *implicit* one so far, maybe it would make sense to be explicit in the api 
> (different name?) which stages will run concurrently by default?
> Thanks,
> Adam

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