   I have a use case where I have to pass message between actors and send a 
response back to the caller. 
Once I get a request I invoke Actor A, which will do some DB call and 
return results. But in certain cases actor A has to invoke actor B and get 
some results from Actor B. It then has to return that result back to the 
guy who sent the request. I accomplished this by passing a reference to the 
original sender in the message that I send to actor B as shown below : 

App {
   val actor1 = system.actorOf(A)
   val actor2 = system.actorOf(B)
   //I want actor 1 to process this request
   actor1 ? new Request("process this")

case class HandleSpecialConition(sender : ActorRef)
case class SpecialConditionResponse(sender : ActorRef, response: String)

A extends Actor {
 def receive = {
  case req : Request => {
    //Checks for special condition and if so sends a message to actor2 and 
the message is embedded with a reference to the sender to whom we have to 
respond back
    if (some_special_condition) {
      actor2 ! new HandleSpecialCondition(sender)
    } else {

  //when we get the response from Actor B it will contain the reference to 
the original sender and we reply back to him
  case response : SpecialConditionResponse => {
    response.sender ! response.response



B extends Actor {
  def receive = {
   case m : HandleSpecialCondition {
    //reply back to actor 1 
     sender ! new SpecialConditionResponse(m.sender, "Response for special 

I wanted to ask if there is better way to accomplish this without passing 
the original sender's reference around. Is there something wrong with this 
kind of approach.


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