
I was playing around with Stream API 2.0 where I got a strange 

"Cannot materialize an incoming connection Flow twice.". I could track down 
the issue to a code-line. So this what I am doing

Server code:

val connections = Tcp().bind(localHost.getHostName, port, backlog, 
socketOptions, idleTimeout = 10.seconds)


where the handleConnection function spawns an Actor which setups a flow 
like this:


Now I set some kind of timer that should close the connection (To prevent 
long open TCP Connections that I for example got from a Loadbalancer I put 
in front of my Server application). I did this with Akka Streaming 1.X like 

def closeConnection(connection: Tcp.IncomingConnection): Unit = {
  implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
  // Handle connection with the closing Flow
  connection.flow.runWith(Source.empty, Sink.cancelled)

I also tried: 

connection.handleWith(Flow.fromSinkAndSource(Sink.cancelled, Source.empty))

But the problem seems like that I cannot change the flow as soon as it 
materialized. Any good thoughts on how I could fix this?


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