First of all, please use 2.0.3 since that is the latest of that version.
Actually 2.4.2 is the latest streams version but then you need Akka 2.4
(which is binary compatible so that should not be an issue).

Otherwise, you can use the .idleTimeout combinator on streams.


On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 11:39 AM, Jeroen Rosenberg <> wrote:

> I'm using Akka Http and Akka streams 2.0.1 to process data from a
> streaming HTTP API. For my usecase I need to make sure I shutdown (and
> restart) my app in the following scenarios:
>    1. Client disconnect (connection is closed by something on my end)
>    2. I receive a zero byte chunk, which means a force disconnect by the
>    server
>    3. I didn't receive any non empty chunks for more than 30 seconds
> In my code I'm doing something like this:
> class MyClient extends Actor with ActorLogging {
>   val client = Http(context.system).outgoingConnectionTls("
> http://somewhere",443)
>   override def receive = {
>     case "start" => Source.single(HttpRequest(GET)) via client runWith
> Sink.head pipeTo self
>     case response: HttpResponse if response.status.isSuccess =>
> ! _).runWith(Sink.onComplete
> { // processor is an actorRef that handles further processing/parsing
>         case _ =>
>           log.error("Stream ended unexpectedly")
>           context.system.registerOnTermination(sys.exit(1))
>   }
> }
> So when the stream ends, my app is shutting down. For unhandled errors in
> the stream I'm using:
> Supervision.Stop
> I have trouble handling scenario 3. I know Akka Http has
> akka.http.client.idle-timeout setting, but this is not really helping. How
> can I make sure I end the stream when it is inactive for more than X
> seconds?
> --
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