Hi there,
Very glad you're enjoying Akka HTTP, and thanks for the question – seems docs 
can be made more clear (please let us know what lead you to this conclusion so 
we can fix it, full answer below):

I can use the Akka Http Websockets as described in the documentation, but it 
looks like it requires that the clients are stream-capable clients.. and that 
will not always be true in my environment as I don't control that side.  Any 
pointers, hints or examples on how to overcome this using Akka Http?  Did I 
misread the documentation?
WebSockets is a specced protocol, and we implement all of it :-)

WebSockets communicate via Messages, which can be strict/streaming and 
binary/text. So no, clients do not need to be streaming, you can check what a 
message is here: 

The way Akka HTTP exposes websocket handling is a Flow[Message, Message] 
indeed, but that does not force anything onto clients.

You'll notice that we can very nicely handle the streaming messages case the 
message body is a Source then, but we also allow the strict ones (which is very 
typical for example for chat apps etc – small strict messages being exchanged).

Would you be able to pinpoint which part of the docs lead you to this 
confusion? I'd like to fix it so it's more clear.

-- konrad

>>>>>>>>>>      Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
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