What you're trying to build here is pretty similar to "Balance",
so readint it's source may help you out:

Also please note that the current impl:
- will eventually blow up with double-push or double-pull (one can not push
a port twice), in the current impl:
- the wiring seems wrong to me, it should specifically pick which output
port you're connecting from (`E.out(1) ~> ...`).

Can't solve the entire stage for you right now but hope this helped!

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 2:40 PM, Ismail Kelebek <ismailkeleb...@gmail.com>

> I wanted to create a custom balance junction starting with the code below.
> First of all it behaves different in debug and run mode. They both have sth
> in common, they stop at 52. When i run it it gives this result :
> run:                 debug :
> 0                           nnn0
> 1                           nnn1
> 2                           nnn2
> 3                           nnn3
> ...                                ...
> ...                                ...
> ...                                ...
> 52                         nnn52
> When i debug it , it starts with the out0's OutHandler, when i run it it
> starts with the out1's OutHandler.
> My main issue here is it stops after a pull event to a different
> OutHandler. After the OutHandler block completed with the pull(in) method,
> nothing arrives at the InHandler of inlet in.
> class MyBalance extends GraphStage[UniformFanOutShape[Int, Int]] {
>         val in = Inlet[Int]("myBalance.in")
>         val out0 = Outlet[Int]("myBalance.out0")
>         val out1 = Outlet[Int]("myBalance.out1")
>         val out2 = Outlet[Int]("myBalance.out2")
>         val out3 = Outlet[Int]("myBalance.out3")
>         val shape = UniformFanOutShape(in,out0,out1,out2,out3)
>         override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes):
> GraphStageLogic =
>             new GraphStageLogic(shape) {
>                    var whichOutlet = 0
>                    setHandler(in, new InHandler {
>                        override def onPush(): Unit = {
>                            val elem = grab(in)
>                            whichOutlet match {
>                                case 0 => push(out0, elem)
>                                case 1 => push(out1, elem)
>                                case 2 => push(out2, elem)
>                                case 3 => push(out3, elem)
>                                case _ => println("wrong outlet")
>                            }
>                        }
>                    })
>                    setHandler(out0, new OutHandler {
>                        override def onPull(): Unit = {
>                            whichOutlet = 0
>                            pull(in)
>                        }
>                    })
>                    setHandler(out1, new OutHandler {
>                        override def onPull(): Unit = {
>                            whichOutlet = 1
>                            pull(in)
>                        }
>                    })
>                    setHandler(out2, new OutHandler {
>                        override def onPull(): Unit = {
>                            whichOutlet = 2
>                            pull(in)
>                        }
>                    })
>                    setHandler(out3, new OutHandler {
>                        override def onPull(): Unit = {
>                            whichOutlet = 3
>                            pull(in)
>                        }
>                    })
>             }
>     }
>     val runnableGraphBalanceTest =
> RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
>         val A: Outlet[Int]                  = builder.add(Source((0 to
> 1000).toList)).out
>         val E: UniformFanOutShape[Int, Int] =
> builder.add(balanceGraphStage)
>             A  ~> E ~>  Sink.foreach[Int](x => println("nnn" + x))
>             E ~>  Sink.foreach[Int](x => println(x))
>             E ~>  Sink.foreach[Int](x => println("hhhhhhhhh" + x))
>             E ~>  Sink.foreach[Int](x => println("rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" +
> x))
>         ClosedShape
>     })
>     runnableGraphBalanceTest.run
> --
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Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
Akka <http://akka.io/> @ Lightbend <http://lightbend.com/>

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