I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but I think there's a reason that 
products like Solr and Elasticsearch are complicated: search is hard! 
 Getting it right at scale is *really tough*.

Personally, I would gladly trade the operational complexity of ES/Solr over 
reimplementing them myself.  

On Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 12:42:53 AM UTC-6, Chelios wrote:
> Hey guys
> I've got an Eventsource based application (Not CQRS - Read and write are 
> both on the write side). The state of all the entities/aggregates/actor are 
> stored in memory because the data is not going to go above 120GB and I've 
> have a machine with 265GB RAM.
> *Problem:*
> Suppose I have a million Products where each *Product* is an Actor 
> supervised by *ProductSupervisorActor* and I want to perform the 
> following query:
> *Query*: Find all the products where the *product description* matches 
> some user input.
> I'm wondering if I could get away with just querying the state of the 
> million actors and aggregating the result into one 
> *SearchRequestHandlerActor* instead of using a search database like SOLR 
> ? I've used SOLR before and it's super fast but I'm just trying to reduce 
> the complexity in my application. If the state is already in memory may be 
> I can just find a way to query it instead of introducing another moving 
> part (SOLR) into the system that I have to manage and make sure that the 
> data is synchronized.
> I would really like to find a solution to perform the above query 
> efficiently by just using Actors with paging. If I can achieve this then I 
> can have *ProductActor*s running anywhere in a cluster and the search 
> would work just fine. Instead, if I was using SOLR I would have to shard or 
> partition the database which just another hassle.
> RIght now I've got a *ProductSearchRequestHandlerActor *which*, *on 
> initilization, accepts *totalNumberOfMessagesExpect: Long* and accepts 
> messages of type *Option[ProductState]* until the 
> *totalNumberOfMessagesExpect* is reached. *I have not implemented paging 
> yet.* 
> I just wanted to get your opinion or ideas on how I can achieve this 
> efficiently or any tips or I'm being silly for trying this because there is 
> no central index ? 
> Chel

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