A pretty common thing I've to do is to call a (non-blocking, brief) 
callback in the event of an overflow. Usually to send a quick message to 
the logger.

Here's how I normally solve the problem:

  val (input, completed) = Source.actorRef[Int](0, 
    conflate { (prior, overflown) =>
      println(s"dropping overflown ${overflown}")
    buffer(10, OverflowStrategy.backpressure).
    toMat(Sink.foreach { n =>

  (1 to 50).foreach { n =>
    input ! n
    println(s"sent ${n}")

(full source here 

But this is rather verbose. Is there a more concise way to have support 

Another problem with this approach is that I'm creating two async 
boundaries being created (after the actorRef, and then after the conflate); 
that's less efficient than I'd prefer.

Is the best way to do this is to create a custom ActorSubscriber ?


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