
I have a trivial use case where I use the Http() inside an actor and the 
Connection-Level API to send HttpRequests:

val http = Http(context.system)

def receive = {
   case (x: HttpRequest, requestType: RequestType) =>
     import scala.concurrent.duration._
     requestCount += 1
     val source = sender()
     val r1 = http singleRequest x
     val r2:Future[HttpResponse] = akka.pattern.after(5 seconds, using = 
context.system.scheduler)( Future.failed[HttpResponse](new 
IllegalStateException(s"After 5 seconds the request $x has not completed")))
     val result = Future firstCompletedOf( r1 :: r2 :: Nil)
     result.map {
       response =>
         source !(requestType, response)
         self ! HTTPResponseReceived
     }.onFailure {
       case e =>
         log.error("Impossible to perform {} {}", e)
         source ! HttpRequestFailure(x, requestType, e.getMessage)
   case HTTPResponseReceived => responseCount += 1
   case GetHTTPActorStatus => sender ! HTTPActorStatus(requestCount, 


Some requests time out , as if they were "lost". Given that I have a single 
actor per target host, so I could switch to a  cachedConnectionPool and see if 
that solve the issue, but that looks like a genuine bug in 2.4.4.  Anyone has 
encountered a similar problem?

Thank you for your help

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