Thanks for your suggestion.

The second framing (which uses absorbTermination() ) is working as intended.
The Problem is in the first, not deprecated framing, but thanks to your 
reply I have now a working solution. So here is the working example, so you 
can fix it in the docs: 

  val framing = BidiFlow.fromGraph(create() { b =>
    implicit val order = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN

    def addLengthHeader(bytes: ByteString) = {
      val len = bytes.length

    class FrameParser extends GraphStage[FlowShape[ByteString, ByteString]] {
      // this holds the received but not yet parsed bytes
      val in = Inlet[ByteString]("")
      val out = Outlet[ByteString]("FrameParser.out")
      override val shape = FlowShape.of(in, out)

      override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): 
GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) {

        // this holds the received but not yet parsed bytes
        var stash = ByteString.empty
        // this holds the current message length or -1 if at a boundary
        var needed = -1

        setHandler(out, new OutHandler {
          override def onPull(): Unit = {
            if (isClosed(in)) run()
            else pull(in)
        setHandler(in, new InHandler {
          override def onPush(): Unit = {
            val bytes = grab(in)
            stash = stash ++ bytes

          override def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit = {
            if (stash.isEmpty) completeStage()
            // wait with completion and let run() complete when the
            // rest of the stash has been sent downstream
           // we still have bytes to emit


        private def run(): Unit = {
          if (needed == -1) {
            // are we at a boundary? then figure out next length
            if (stash.length < 4) {
              if (isClosed(in)) completeStage()
              else pull(in)
            } else {
              needed = stash.iterator.getInt
              stash = stash.drop(4)
              run() // cycle back to possibly already emit the next chunk
          } else if (stash.length < needed) {
            // we are in the middle of a message, need more bytes,
            // or have to stop if input closed
            if (isClosed(in)) completeStage()
            else pull(in)
          } else {
            // we have enough to emit at least one message, so do it
            val emit = stash.take(needed)
            stash = stash.drop(needed)
            needed = -1
            push(out, emit)

    val outbound = b.add(Flow[ByteString].map(addLengthHeader))
    val inbound = b.add(Flow[ByteString].via(new FrameParser))
    BidiShape.fromFlows(outbound, inbound)

Am Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2016 17:48:21 UTC+2 schrieb Johan Andrén:
> Hi Qux,
> I think it may be a bug in the sample, I think absorbTermination() in 
> onUpstreamFinnish should be replaced with if (isAvailable(out)) run() but 
> now nothing is done, If you can confirm that this solves the problem I'll 
> fix the samples. Thanks.
> --
> Johan Andrén
> Akka Team, Lightbend Inc.
> On Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 2:25:54 PM UTC+2, Qux wrote:
>>    1. Hi,
>> I have a Problem with Framing. I tried to build the ping-pong-example 
>> from 
>> If I run it over TCP, Messages get lost:
>> trait Message
>>> case class Ping(id: Int) extends Message
>>> case class Pong(id: Int) extends Message
>>> def toBytes(msg: Message): ByteString = {
>>>   implicit val order = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN
>>>   msg match {
>>>     case Ping(id) =>
>>>       ByteString.newBuilder.putByte(1).putInt(id).result()
>>>     case Pong(id) =>
>>>       ByteString.newBuilder.putByte(2).putInt(id).result()
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> def fromBytes(bytes: ByteString): Message = {
>>>   implicit val order = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN
>>>   val it = bytes.iterator
>>>   it.getByte match {
>>>     case 1 => Ping(it.getInt)
>>>     case 2 => Pong(it.getInt)
>>>     case other => throw new RuntimeException(s"parse error: expected 1|2 
>>> got $other")
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> val codec = BidiFlow.fromFunctions(toBytes _, fromBytes _)
>>> val framing = BidiFlow.fromGraph(create() { b =>
>>>   implicit val order = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN
>>>   def addLengthHeader(bytes: ByteString) = {
>>>     val len = bytes.length
>>>     ByteString.newBuilder.putInt(len).append(bytes).result()
>>>   }
>>>   class FrameParser extends GraphStage[FlowShape[ByteString, ByteString]] {
>>>     // this holds the received but not yet parsed bytes
>>>     val in = Inlet[ByteString]("")
>>>     val out = Outlet[ByteString]("FrameParser.out")
>>>     override val shape = FlowShape.of(in, out)
>>>     override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): 
>>> GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) {
>>>       // this holds the received but not yet parsed bytes
>>>       var stash = ByteString.empty
>>>       // this holds the current message length or -1 if at a boundary
>>>       var needed = -1
>>>       setHandler(out, new OutHandler {
>>>         override def onPull(): Unit = {
>>>           if (isClosed(in)) run()
>>>           else pull(in)
>>>         }
>>>       })
>>>       setHandler(in, new InHandler {
>>>         override def onPush(): Unit = {
>>>           val bytes = grab(in)
>>>           stash = stash ++ bytes
>>>           run()
>>>         }
>>>         override def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit = {
>>>           if (stash.isEmpty) completeStage()
>>>           // wait with completion and let run() complete when the
>>>           // rest of the stash has been sent downstream
>>>         }
>>>       })
>>>       private def run(): Unit = {
>>>         if (needed == -1) {
>>>           // are we at a boundary? then figure out next length
>>>           if (stash.length < 4) {
>>>             if (isClosed(in)) completeStage()
>>>             else pull(in)
>>>           } else {
>>>             needed = stash.iterator.getInt
>>>             stash = stash.drop(4)
>>>             run() // cycle back to possibly already emit the next chunk
>>>           }
>>>         } else if (stash.length < needed) {
>>>           // we are in the middle of a message, need more bytes,
>>>           // or have to stop if input closed
>>>           if (isClosed(in)) completeStage()
>>>           else pull(in)
>>>         } else {
>>>           // we have enough to emit at least one message, so do it
>>>           val emit = stash.take(needed)
>>>           stash = stash.drop(needed)
>>>           needed = -1
>>>           push(out, emit)
>>>         }
>>>       }
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>>   val outbound = b.add(Flow[ByteString].map(addLengthHeader))
>>>   val inbound = b.add(Flow[ByteString].via(new FrameParser))
>>>   BidiShape.fromFlows(outbound, inbound)
>>> })
>>> val protocol = codec atop framing
>>> val server = Tcp().bind("", 0).to(Sink.foreach {
>>>   conn =>
>>>     conn.flow.join(protocol.reversed).join(Flow[Message].map {
>>>       case Ping(id) => Pong(id)
>>>       case Pong(id) => Ping(id)
>>>       case other => println("error"); throw new RuntimeException(s"other: 
>>> $other")
>>>     }).run()
>>> }).run()
>>> val myaddr = Await.result(server, 1.second)
>>> //
>>> val client = Tcp().outgoingConnection(myaddr.localAddress)
>>> //
>>> val stack = protocol join client
>>> Source((0 to 20)).map { x => Ping(x) }.via(stack).runForeach(println)
>> If I use following (deprecated )framing instead, all messages get through:
>>> val framing = BidiFlow.fromGraph(create() { b =>
>>>   implicit val order = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN
>>>   def addLengthHeader(bytes: ByteString) = {
>>>     val len = bytes.length
>>>     ByteString.newBuilder.putInt(len).append(bytes).result()
>>>   }
>>>   class FrameParser extends PushPullStage[ByteString, ByteString] {
>>>     // this holds the received but not yet parsed bytes
>>>     var stash = ByteString.empty
>>>     // this holds the current message length or -1 if at a boundary
>>>     var needed = -1
>>>     override def onPush(bytes: ByteString, ctx: Context[ByteString]) = {
>>>       stash ++= bytes
>>>       run(ctx)
>>>     }
>>>     override def onPull(ctx: Context[ByteString]) = run(ctx)
>>>     override def onUpstreamFinish(ctx: Context[ByteString]) =
>>>       if (stash.isEmpty) ctx.finish()
>>>       else ctx.absorbTermination() // we still have bytes to emit
>>>     private def run(ctx: Context[ByteString]): SyncDirective =
>>>       if (needed == -1) {
>>>         // are we at a boundary? then figure out next length
>>>         if (stash.length < 4) pullOrFinish(ctx)
>>>         else {
>>>           needed = stash.iterator.getInt
>>>           stash = stash.drop(4)
>>>           run(ctx) // cycle back to possibly already emit the next chunk
>>>         }
>>>       } else if (stash.length < needed) {
>>>         // we are in the middle of a message, need more bytes
>>>         pullOrFinish(ctx)
>>>       } else {
>>>         // we have enough to emit at least one message, so do it
>>>         val emit = stash.take(needed)
>>>         stash = stash.drop(needed)
>>>         needed = -1
>>>         ctx.push(emit)
>>>       }
>>>     /*
>>>      * After having called absorbTermination() we cannot pull any more, 
>>> so if we need
>>>      * more data we will just have to give up.
>>>      */
>>>     private def pullOrFinish(ctx: Context[ByteString]) =
>>>       if (ctx.isFinishing) ctx.finish()
>>>       else ctx.pull()
>>>   }
>>>   val outbound = b.add(Flow[ByteString].map(addLengthHeader))
>>>   val inbound = b.add(Flow[ByteString].transform(() => new FrameParser))
>>>   BidiShape.fromFlows(outbound, inbound)
>>> })
>> Does anybody see the problem here? I'm quite new with akka, so am I missing 
>> something?
>> Thanks,
>> Qux

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