Hi there. I have a question - how to correct handle exceptions using akka 
streams in follow situation.


1) get data using tcp io
2) collect and validate a message
3) send the message to db
but there can be timeout exception if db is not available and by business I 
need to send response message to client - SERVICE UNAVAILABLE.
There is implementation:

val broadcast = b.add(Broadcast[Result](2))

val merge = b.add(Merge[Message](2))

broadcast ~> pushToDbFlow ~> prepareSuccessMessageFlow ~> merge

broadcast ~> prepareFailureMessageFlow                                  ~> merge

pushToDbFlow uses "collect" method which wait only SucessResult extends 
Result and prepareFailedMessageFlow uses "collect" to hadle only 
FailureResult extends Result.
Actually I don't like this way. Graph are complicated for extending and we 
loose static guarantees when we use "collect" in the flows. Hate this way.
Can anyone help me please?

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