
On Friday, July 8, 2016 at 7:51:59 PM UTC+8, Guido Medina wrote:
> *Copy & paste from the other thread....*
> Your nodes will re-join if you keep at least 1 seed node up while 
> restarting other nodes, try having 2 seed nodes.
> In production don't ever relay on only 1 seed node, have at least 2.
> HTH,
> Guido.
> On Friday, July 8, 2016 at 11:44:52 AM UTC+1, 谌浏洋 wrote:
>> Sorry for my poor English
>> I started two node A(seed) B, Both A and B can communication to each 
>> other.
>> When I restart node A. node B cannot join A anymore. (No more Member 
>> Event be notified)
>> B node console repeat print msg :
>> [INFO] [07/08/2016 10:30:17.381] 
>> [] 
>> [akka.cluster.Cluster(akka://system)] Cluster Node [akka.tcp://
>> system@] - Leader can currently not perform its duties, 
>> reachability status: [akka.tcp://system@ -> akka.tcp://
>> system@ Unreachable Unreachable 
>> <>], member status: [akka.tcp://
>> system@ Up seen=false, akka.tcp://system@ 
>> Up seen=true]
>> Akka 2.4.7
>> Please help me.
>> Thanks
>> My node A configuration is
>> akka {
>>   actor{
>>     provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"
>>     serializers {
>>       java = 
>> "org.appsugar.cluster.service.akka.serialization.ProtostuffSerialization"
>>     }
>>   }
>>   remote {
>>     log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
>>     netty.tcp {
>>       hostname = ""
>>       port = 2551
>>     }
>>   }
>>   cluster {
>>     seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://system@"]
>>   }
>> }
>> akka.cluster.metrics.enabled=off
>> akka.extensions=["akka.cluster.metrics.ClusterMetricsExtension"]
>> akka.cluster.metrics.native-library-extract-folder=${user.dir}/target/native
>> {
>>   mailbox-type = "akka.dispatch.SingleConsumerOnlyUnboundedMailbox"
>> }`
>> Node B configuration as same as Node A, Just change port to 0

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>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
>>>>>>>>>>      Search the archives:
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